OT - new addition to the menagerie


Active Member
Hey everyone, hope the week is good for y'all

i came home from work yesterday to find my son and my wife "rescued" a baby bird that had fallen from its nest and been abandoned. It appears to be a ? gold finch (yellow on tail and goldish on chest). it has quite a few feathers and tries to fly. we have been feeding it a slurry of worm/blueberry and hamburger in small pieces, it takes a tsp (in small portions) about every 1-2 hours and is gaining weight and "looks" healthier.

any idea when i can try to let it go? it can't fly, just short jumps with wing flapping that let it escape its 2.5 gallon tank/nest and lead the dog and cats on a merry chase this am.
phew (kids would have been bummed...sorry the cat ate your bird ugh...)

anywho, any advice appreciated :) and don't worry, i am washing my hands well, and not letting the kids touch it

Flower (kids named "her" altho it seems to be a "he")



The Wand Geek was here. ;)
Awwwww... how adorable! I am glad it is eating for you! My wild bird knowledge is limited to filling up the feeder with seed :D Hopefully, someone can chime in~~


Active Member
I will try to get some better shots during feeding too :)
I contacted the local museum with rescue animals and they advised agaist caring for it as it takes a license to do so, but wants me to call the local audobon society... h


We used to raise babies birds at the hospital I worked at. You can release this bird when he can achive actual lift off and fly around the room. We used to exercise the babies in our surgical room (after closing the door so they couldn't fly out into the rest of the hospital). They need to get strength in their wings. They do this by flapping them alot.

Good luck with it! Sure is cute!!

And karma for you in helping it!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
thanks Gina...i have contacted the audobon society and talked with a few folks there and i may be feeding it the wrong food, so they offered to take the bird, so i think i will do that so it will have the best chance of survival....:)


Active Member
got an id after looking through the books....a cedar waxwing, (never even heard of it)

wish i had time to birdwatch too, pretty neat stuff..