New Reefers 55 gallon Reef Experiment

new reefer 03

Active Member
i read that link. i guess i will try to put one in when the lights come on (about 11am) then one 6 hrs later if the first one is gone. my emeralds would appreciate that too :yummy:

thansk for the help, and links :)

should i haev any truble keeping 2 or 3 royal urchins? i have 1 atm, adn there is still coraline all over my rocks and glass. i figured i could feed one or two more.


Well-Known Member
Why would you add more?
Seriously Cole. Take a step back and work on the health of the animals you have.
It is obvious from the pics that the tang is not getting everything it needs. I am certainly not the expert to tell you what is missing, but something(s) definitely not there or not there enough. Are you adding vitamin and fat supplements as well?
I would go on a major campaign at this point and come as close as possible to Lee's feeding instructions. Definitely up the nori and get some fresh macro as well. If you don't have any locally, has several that tangs love and fresh is better than dried. I would start feeding a ton of both. I would also be hitting him with several small feedings a day to try to get more nutrition into him. What you feed is even more important than how much you feed. Another good addition would be Rod's food. Go to and find who has it close to you. I wouldn't feed it or anything else exclusively but it would be a great addition.

new reefer 03

Active Member
my mush has vita-chem, selcon, and zoe mixed into it. i have green, red, and brown dried algae, and nori. the thing is hen i feed my tank the tang is rushing to the big chunks, he takes abite of them then he goes back to his territory (in the back of my tank :() so when he eats he just makes a mess of everything, and doesnt really eat much. ill try to feed it seaweed and mush, or brine twice a day. but its hard, because were not home all day