Never going to beleive this!!

Hey guys quick update remember about 3 weeks ago when I had all those fish die... Well I found the bodys of all but 2 and just though something must have ate them. My wife went out today and bought me some live rock and stuff for fathers day so I decided to do a water change and change my carbon and just clean the tank a little. I went to move the carbon sock I have in the bottom of my sump under the bio ball chamber and all of a sudden I see somthing moving in there I take a closer look and its my sixline wrasse that I though must have died and got ate 3 weeks ago also in there was my peppermint shrimp both alive I got them both put them back in the main tank. I was blown away hows do you think this could have happened also how do you think they lived in there? The sump is under the tank in the cabnet so they had no light or food for 3 weeks and they were in the nasty sump. My next thought is how did they get in there and not get stuck in the bio ball chamber.....????


Brunt of all Jokes~
Lol Noob, wiggle,jiggle and slide! very happy for you thats a great surprise, guess you need to look at screening the overflow huh. Steve


Well-Known Member
nice. fish are just amazing at getting to those places you thought to be impossible to get to:alien:


Active Member
Hiya Nooob!
I'd suggest that you screen off your' overflow with a section of plastic "Gutter Guard", available at most hardware stores for about $6.00 per roll. It's really great that your guys made it, congratulations!


i had a niger trigger live in my overflow box for almost a month before i found fish+black overflow=very hard to see!

i agree with the above, cover the overflows..might not be so lucky next time.


The Wand Geek was here. ;)
Glad they're alive! :thumbup: Cover the inlet before it happens again with either mesh mentioned above or a sponge. The sponge is higher maintenance since will need to be rinsed twice weekly...


Well-Known Member
Glad you found your fish and shrimp. I have had fish make it into my sump as well. If fact I even found one in the filter floss I used to have in my sump. It was not even in the water but water was flowing over the fish and he was still alive. Needless to say I have made several improvements so that it should not happen again.


Well-Known Member
I knew they shrimp were alive! I felt it in my bones! :D
Glad you found them noob!
LOL...Great Fathers Day for you... yeah, screen overflows, I have had somany things get in there, its thefirst place I check now for MIT. (Missing In Tank)


Well-Known Member
What a great Fathers day present. I had a pajama cardinal,orange stripe goby,two peppermints and a scooter blennie in my overflow before I found them. I used plastic "canvas cloth" (for cross stitch) from craft store to cover inlets, works great!


Smile Maker
Nice save! I once had a Tiger Tail cucumber squeeze through the slots in the overflow, climb through the durso stand pipe and end up on top of the filter floss over the bioballs! It was alive when I found it and it's now owned by someone else. I took it to the LFS.


Well-Known Member
CONGRATS on the find.
I had a chromis dissapear for a few months one time too and like u assumed GONER!!!
well one day i was feeding and caught a glimpse of something shiney ni the back of my nanocube (before my upgrade) and after some careful planning finally got the fish back to the main tank!!!
They are slippery little guys and will get everywhere, they will find food pretty much anywhere though, glad urs made it!!