My clam has folded edges!

Hey guys,
I got a clam about a month ago and hes doing really good. but one day he was on his side so I replaced him close to were he was before and ever since he has had his "wavy things" folded into him.I just don't know why he has folded sides? oh and also the folded sides are shrunk smaller than the rest of the clam there on both sides of him by the mouth hole and on same spot on the other side. might it be stressed because i moved it? or im thinking that the flow might be too strong. or should i move him to a different spot what should i do?

I also have another question about another coral i recently got a torch coral 1 day ago. and im wondering were i should place him. hes right now in the middle of the tank in low medium~flow and i have a t5 system 4x39 watts.
thanx in advance.:turntable:turntable:turntable:turntable