hurricane ernesto....


Well-Known Member
A large part of why things close is to keep people off of the roads as much as possible. They are actually looking out for the safety of you and your children.
Not sure where you are that you are shut down today, but in Central Florida most everything was shut down yesterday. Here our school system builds in a couple of extra days on the calendar for such events and if they exceed that they either eliminate previously scheduled days off or extend the school year. It is law that the school year is a certain number of days and they can't go below that.
Yes, this storm fizzled, but hurricane prediction is certainly not accurate and they have learned the hard way to error on the safe side.
Sorry, had a couple of bad storm experiences, and now I am very glad when the schools and companies shut down to avoid the potential danger.


Well-Known Member
i was in andrew in 92. that was my first and last cain that id like to be in.

i was in dade Co. south of you


Well-Known Member
Not sure who you are speaking to about south of you, but if it is me, I owned and lived in a home in Cutler Ridge at the time. Note the word owned. Andrew took care of that house for me. The house went right through the eye of that one. Fortunately, even though at the time I tended to all but ignore such things, when the police knocked on my door and said I had to leave, I listened.
Of course by that time all we could do was gather the people and animals and just leave the house to nature's forces.


We moved from Cutler Ridge a year before Andrew hit. The weekend after the storm we went down to help family. A two hour ride took almost six hours to get there and we were lost in our own home town. It really took us 15 minutes to figure we were one street over from where we lived for 10 years. My grandparents said it sounded like a train was running down the hallway. Glad I was in good ole Hobe Sound. As for Ernesto, just a couple rain storms.


Well-Known Member
the remains of Ernie are here now,,,lots of rain ans some strong gusts of wind, basically making an ugly day.


Started here yesterday morning and has been raining ever since.
The news last night said that Sat and Sun was supposed to be sunshine! LOL
Right again!!


Well-Known Member
Sunny and cool today. A first this year in Charleston! After speaking with a few people here who lived through Hugo, I understand why now that they closed the schools. I did a search on that one and it wasn't pretty.


Well-Known Member
i was in Clemson at that time. the state police came through and said, if you have somewhere else to go,,,GO. i packed what i could in my car and drove home to NJ. when i came back,,,what a mess~
Hope everyone is fine after Ernesto. I know my mom and sister's homes in Norfolk are ok (even though a lot of homes were flooded). Hope everyone in NC and VA made it through. I unfortunately was stuck in an airport all day yesterday trying to get to'd think Memphis would be an easy city to get to considering Ernesto was no where near....nope...not so! When will the airlines ever get their stuff together???!!!


The rain has finally stopped here! Yea!!
Hoping the sun comes out today and starts drying things up a little.
We need to pick up some 4x12 pieces of drywall today so, no more rain!!


Well-Known Member
Well, Jkhaliday, I once got stuck in the Raleigh airport trying to go to FL for 5 hrs because it was snowing in Boston. The plane scheduled for my flight was coming from Boston so we had to wait for it. Talk about aggrivating. They could have flown a plane from Orlando to Raleigh, picked us up and been back in Orlando in the time I waited at the airport.
Guess it is just one of those things we have to deal with.
I travel a lot for business so I have many many stories of delayed flights for much worse reasons.
Hope everyone is OK after Ernesto. Sounds like it was worse up north than it was for us FL folk.