GSP aren't looking great...

Hey everyone! It's been a little while since i've started and im working my ass leaves me with less time to do other things!

But, i am having (maybe) a problem and i need some help!

OK my GSP doesn't look as good as it did...i cant give you a time table of when this might have started...but i know that they went from being a very thick mat to sorta thining out and in some spots where i think old polyps were are now white dots...does this mean they dieded?

I am going to go and check my levels right now and i will edit or add another thread to let you all now...

I thought that it might be linked to what i think might be a loss of some flow but honeslty i cant tell if i lost any flow or not...and my more demanding flow coral (frogspawn) looks great!

So what do you guys think could be going on with my GSP?

ok i tested my levels and it seems that a few are coming up a little low...

tank temp - 80
Salinity - 1.025
Ph - 8.0
alk - 6 dkh
ca - 380 ppm

i put some baking soda/powder (i know i put in the right one of those two - im just really tired) stuff into my tank to raise my alk...

so what do you guys think...any ideas what might be going on with my GSP? my frogspawn, xenia, mushrooms, and zoa's all look great!


The Wand Geek was here. ;)
Your alk and calcium are low.. I would perform a water change using a salt with correct ca/alk/mg levels and/or start topping off with kalkwasser (or using a 2 part additive).

Chemistry and the Aquarium

Your alk of 6 dkh = 2.1 meg/l

Also, GSP love med-high water flow.