Green bubble algae- removal?


I have had a few balls of green bubble algae popping up lately. On my last rock I took it out and tried to remove the bubble. One of them popped. Is the rock now trash or can I let it sit out for a few weeks to dry and wait for the spores to die? I really don't want a tank full of this stuff since it can be difficult to remove. Many thanks



Well-Known Member
Popping it doesn't spread it. Just make sure you get the skin out, that is where the spores are.

Mike Johnson

Well-Known Member
Get a Black Mithrax Crab and you'll never see any bubble algae. They're real hard to find, though. But they are completely reef safe.

And, I've seen the spores disperse with my own eyes after the bubble is popped.


Princess Diana
I've been removing Green Bubble Algae as I find them in my tank. Just trying to stay on top of manual removal is all I know to tell you. Don't ignore it cause I don't think it will go away w/o manual removal.
I've gotten better at removing them w/o popping them but they still show back up somewhere else. :(
Makes me hunt for them & get annoyed when they are in a LR hole where I can't easily get them.
Anyway, they are a pain & I feel your frustration. Hang in there & feel good about getting them out even if it's only one or two every now & then.


My emerald crabs take care of my bubble crap. I never have to pull it out. I will see some show up and a few days later it is gone. It's like magic. I have four of them in a 75 gallon an no issues.

Blue Space

Well-Known Member
bubble algae sux. That's all I can say except what others have, which is to stay on top of it. My old DT had it and I eventually got tired of the manual removal so I decided to shut it down. Of course I had to have a reason to start a new tank to move everything into. ;)


Thanks everyone for the info. I thought I had cleaned the tank of them and they showed back up. If I let my rock sit out and dry will it kill the algae and any spores that may have spread? Is adding a crab dangerous to small fish like Chromis or Clown fish or even a cleaner shrimp? I added a small blue lobster (crayfish) to my freshwater tank and lost a few fish and some of my live plants. I always thought a crab would be a nice addition but not at the expense of my other fish who are getting along and thriving. Many thanks...


Princess Diana
Crabs are said to be opportunistic eaters & SOME OF US (not no where near all) don't want to chance having a crab in our tanks. I tried a Coral Banded Shrimp (CBS) and that didn't work out for me (took him back to the LFS) because he would start moving around after the lights went out with his pincher claws extended looking for food & killed my peppermint shrimp. It was NOT easy to catch him out of my tank so NO MORE CLAWS are going in my tank. I'll fight the Bubble Algae manually as long as I can see I'm staying on top of it.
Letting your rock sit out to dry will also kill the beneficial bacteria on & in it.
It's easy to PANIC over pesky algae growth. I've done it SEVERAL times only to realize that I shouldn't have. This Green Bubble Algae (GBA) won't defeat you IF you stay on top of manual removal. It's not going to kill anything in your tank at the slow rate they appear. That's my opinion.
Make it a game of seek &'s even kinda fun if you look at it as a game :D :yup: :D

Mike Johnson

Well-Known Member
I'm on the opposite side of the spectrum than DianaKay. I've had some kind of Mitrax Crab in my tanks for years without a problem ever. Right now I have three Mithrax Crabs. 2 in one tank and one in the other. I rarely see bubble algae, and I have never had to manually remove any.


Active Member
I'm on the opposite side of the spectrum than DianaKay. I've had some kind of Mitrax Crab in my tanks for years without a problem ever. Right now I have three Mithrax Crabs. 2 in one tank and one in the other. I rarely see bubble algae, and I have never had to manually remove any.

The black ones are different from the emerald crabs? Are the emeralds just as effective or are the black crabs more effective.

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Mike Johnson

Well-Known Member
While I have heard of Emerald Crabs going "a little" rogue, especially if they're older - I have never heard anyone complain about a Black Mithrax Crab. Except that they are very shy and you'll rarely see it.


Princess Diana
While I have heard of Emerald Crabs going "a little" rogue, especially if they're older - I have never heard anyone complain about a Black Mithrax Crab. Except that they are very shy and you'll rarely see it.

Mike, I swear...You ALMOST make me one to find one of those! :ponder2:
Do you say they are hard to find? Like almost impossible?
If so, why are they hard to find & how will I know for sure that it's a Black Mithrax if see one?
I can't believe I'm considering finding one to add to my tank :yup:
What do you feed yours? What does he eat? When does he eat? How often do you see yours?

Mike Johnson

Well-Known Member
I never feed it. It's an algae eater. If I look real hard I can find it. They are really shy. It just shed two days ago I'll take a pic when I get home.


Princess Diana
What Diana Ya gonna get a crab... lol You are so against them.
You know how PEER PRESSURE works here at RS? IT DOES!! :LOL:
I doubt I'll ever be able to find one of those kind...I think Mike posted in another thread that they were very hard to find. So, if I can't have one LIKE HE HAS...I might not get one at all :D


Active Member
You know how PEER PRESSURE works here at RS? IT DOES!! :LOL:
I doubt I'll ever be able to find one of those kind...I think Mike posted in another thread that they were very hard to find. So, if I can't have one LIKE HE HAS...I might not get one at all :D

I did an internet search and couldn't find one for sale. I wouldn't mind having one, I have so.e bubble algea that needs some eating.



Well-Known Member
I have had a few balls of green bubble algae popping up lately. On my last rock I took it out and tried to remove the bubble. One of them popped. Is the rock now trash or can I let it sit out for a few weeks to dry and wait for the spores to die? I really don't want a tank full of this stuff since it can be difficult to remove. Many thanks


Just pull out as many as you can right before a water change. Don't worry about popping them. GL.


Princess Diana
I usually can spot one or two in my tank if I REALLY search the rocks with a magnifying lens. If that stays the case then I think manual removal is working for me.
And during my search for one of them crabs....I read horror stories about 'em :eek: