Glass Top


Active Member
I have two plates of glass that go on top of my tank. My question is should I, I am planing to build a top for lights but I was going to build it from a shelf above my tank, and it would not really sit on top of the tank. I was going to keep the glass there but I have heard that it limits the amount of light getting in, Is this true?


The Wand Geek was here. ;)
If you are referring to the plates of glass that simply cover the top to prevent evaporation... do NOT use them. IMO, they reduce the air flow and trap heat in a bad way. As far as blocking light, if it were sparkling clean, it would block some light; but after a few days of salt creep, dust, etc., it will block a lot of light.


The Wand Geek was here. ;)
If you need the tops, keep them on. Just keep an eye on the water temperature. My point was to not use them if you didn't need them.


The Wand Geek was here. ;)
..octopi and eels come to mind. I would keep a tight fitting lid for those animals for sure!


if you build an astroterf (the thick stuff fake grass 1/4 inch length) wall around the openings in the aquarium octopuses and their counsins will not climb out. It's what public aquariums do rather than sealing the tank shut. Just make sure that there is no crack bweteen the astroterf wall and the tank and that the wall is higher than than octopus can reach. Closing the top is a bad for all the reason mentioned above.

I don't know if this will work for eels but the wall might keep them in too.


Well-Known Member
I use a plastic mesh top on tanks that I'm worried about stuff crawling or jumping out. Small fish like firefish still sometimes manage to sneak through.

All my reef tanks have been open top however.


Wannabe Guru
Use eggcrate and silicone if you use a glass top not only will it prevent evaporation it will prevent oxygen exchange and it will block light.


Active Member
I think that the eggcrate would be best, or a mesh lid, like what you would use for reptiles.
Make sure that you have glass between your tank and lights however, so that it can block the UV rays that can affect your corals.


Active Member
is the glass between the bulbs and tank really important? What blocks the UV in nature? nad would it not have to be special glass to block UV, coated I thought? anybody know?


Active Member
As far as I know, it is quite important.
I can't answer what blocks the UV in nature (science is my weak point :p ).
It doesn't have to be a special type of glass, just the regular stuff is fine...

I just read some older posts...and came up with this:
- It depends whether you're using SE or DE bulbs. If you use SE bulbs, the UV rays are already being blocked, though if using DE bulbs, you must have glass in between the tank and the lighting.
- Another reason that you would want glass between your lights and the tank is to keep the water from splashing up and hitting your lighting.

Check this thread (it's from when I had the same question)...
