Does your jawfish love the night life?


Active Member
My bsjf stays in his hole all day, except to grab food. But at night he has this same routine of constantly swimming back and forth from his hole to the top corner of the tank and back. Anyone else notice that behavior? Its like he's getting his exercise after being cramped up in his hole all day, lol.


Active Member
Oh no! I dosed flatworm exit today. The tank handled it great (except the flatworms!) but my bsjf isn't eating!!! Been running carbon and did a large WC. Everything else is fine!


Active Member
Thanks. I did soak a fresh shrimp in garlic and skewered some and waved it in front of his face. He did take and eat it, but usually he takes it much quicker. He still seems to be doing ok.

I did run tons of carbon. However I never know how fast carbon absorbs stuff. I ran tons of carbon for about 3 hours and then replaced it with my normal amount. Nothing else appears stressed. I think he will be ok.


Active Member
I swear there is a curse on talking about your favorite animals. He's not doing his nightly routine tonight. Man I hate worrying about a fish! Somebody smack me.


Active Member
My bluespot took his first ride over the overflow last night. Luckily my wife found him in the sump. She netted him out while I was at work but she let him jump out of the net onto the floor. Grrr. He's back in the tank and recupertaing, and he did grab some mysis a few hours later, but man its been a rough month for lots of people/fish! My sump has three compartments. Compartment one is relatively safe if you can avoid the askoll skimmer intake. Compartment two is also realtively safe, but easy access to compartment three, which is sure death. Luckily she found him in #2.


Smile Maker
They're pretty resilient once they get accustom to their captive life. Mine once jumped out of the tank from 6' up and hit the hard slate floor...and lived to tell about it! I had the cover off doing a WC. She jumped out while I was emptying the bucket. When I returned, there she was on the floor.

Get used to them changing behavior, it's a week to week occurrence!


Active Member
I kinda thought this was inevitable given how much he likes to boogie at night. He's under careful observation after his ride threw the durso and drop on the floor. He is eating, but he is hanging out in the back of the tank now, and not really in a hidey-hole like you'd expect. Prior to this he had a perfect spot right in the front that his been his home for over 6 months, only coming out at night. I'm hoping he goes back to it. I don't think he'd be eating if he was too damaged, so hopefully when the lights go out he'll feel a little more confident in finding home again.


Active Member
Well he did it again last night, again w/o injury! The only thing I can think of is two days ago I set the night whites to 1%, and usually it has been at 0%. Maybe that little extra light makes him feel more comofrtable exploring at night, or maybe he's jumping for the moon! Strange for a fish who has stayed planted for over 6 months.


New Member
I am kinda relieved to hear that other people's BSJs are so active. I finally named my guy - Hobo...because he never seemed able to settle into anyone place. Hopefully writing this won't jinx things, but he's finally (after 8 months) settled into a borrow next to my firefish and Pearly Jawfish.

But in the evening Hobo is swimming all over the tank and constantly bumps his head on the tank lids. He's always looking up at the lights seemingly and I have NEVER once seen him sleep...or rather cap off his burrow at night for some Zzzzz's. My Pearly on the other hand used to "sleep" every night like clockwork until Hobo kicked her out of her well-made burrow. She finally settled into a new one, but rarely caps it off...and I swear she has bags under her eyes now. She looked a lot better when she was sleeping each night.


New Member
I am kinda relieved to hear that other people's BSJs are so active. I finally named my guy - Hobo...because he never seemed able to settle into anyone place. Hopefully writing this won't jinx things, but he's finally (after 8 months) settled into a borrow next to my firefish and Pearly Jawfish.

But in the evening Hobo is swimming all over the tank and constantly bumps his head on the tank lids. He's always looking up at the lights seemingly and I have NEVER once seen him sleep...or rather cap off his burrow at night for some Zzzzz's. My Pearly on the other hand used to "sleep" every night like clockwork until Hobo kicked her out of her well-made burrow. She finally settled into a new one, but rarely caps it off...and I swear she has bags under her eyes now. She looked a lot better when she was sleeping each night.

But the real question I have for other BSJ owners is, does you jawfish sleep at night?