1700 gallon tank!!


Active Member
<!--StartFragment --> Hi everyone!! I'm posting a link here to a thread on Reef Central that I found regarding a 1700 gallon reef tank. (with the owners permission of course)

This tank is just unbelieveable. My new dream tank. hehe you'll see. there is about 40 pages to this, but its well worth indulging into.

I'm sending th owner this link so he'll be able to answer any questions you may have. I'm not sure if he's a member here yet. . . or what his screen name will be, but i'm sure he'll introduce himself in due time.


Enjoy, Shells.


:eek: That is just amazing!
I love how he has designed the tank and the stone it's incased in!


Well-Known Member
I had read that one some time ago...unbelievably awesome :thumbup:
but then people started getting into an argument about the tank not being large enough to house a sting ray...crazy!!
there are some unbelievably beautiful tanks posted on that forum...but eventually most posts there degrade into ''mine is better/bigger than yours'' pettiness. :scram:


boozeman said:
I had read that one some time ago...unbelievably awesome :thumbup:
but then people started getting into an argument about the tank not being large enough to house a sting ray...crazy!!
there are some unbelievably beautiful tanks posted on that forum...but eventually most posts there degrade into ''mine is better/bigger than yours'' pettiness. :scram:

I spent about an hour this morning reading the thread and had to laugh when I saw the flaming start!
I just don't understand why there's always got to be those few people who ruin it all!

Just sit back and enjoy the beauty of it!


The Wand Geek was here. ;)
Super nice reef!! OMG!! What a shame the flaming had to start... but considering WHERE the thread is located that is PAR for the course there....:rolleyes:
That tank is AWESOME! I bet his utility bill is just as awesome. As for the flaming....maybe they should consider a water change....there does seem to be a high level of negativity over there.....HA! That's why I'm a RS member. Lots of good karma here.


Well-Known Member
Man can we get this guy on RS? (The guy w/the tank.)
That would be way cool and we'll be nice to him and just pick his brain and enjoy. :)


Well-Known Member
sometimes i like the "art of flaming" displayed there,,,,makes me happy about RS and what to strive "not" to be~


Well-Known Member
I think the funniest part was when the flamming got heated by someone claiming that, judging by the pictures showing the owners hand above the tank, it couldnt possibly be 1700 gal.......this went back and forth untill the manufacturer of The tank logged in and posted a link to their webpage showing the tank being built!!


Active Member
lcstorc said:
Man can we get this guy on RS? (The guy w/the tank.)
That would be way cool and we'll be nice to him and just pick his brain and enjoy. :)

I posted this link here so everybody could take a look at this
awsome tank, and maybe get some ideas for your own tank, and ask
questions of the owner.

I didn't, however, post this link for everybody to make comments on anything else. (which is just as bad in my opion, as the act itself)

If all those 'other' comments would stop, I bet the owner would make posts. (I gave him a link to this thread)

(Sorry to be so blunt, but it just hit a nerve with me.)



Active Member
oh no, lcstorc, it was not you at all. i'd love for him to come aboard too.
i was just trying to make a point. :)


Well-Known Member
we at RS will do everything possible to ensure flame free environment,,,,if that entails post deletion or warning it will be done. but i know our members here,,,safety and comfort is a welcome change to the other boards.

if the owner wishes to post, i promise a haven of safety,,,,thats what a Sanctuary is. if desired,,,i can make it a moderated thread where all posts must be approved before they are seen by the public,,,,yes,,,i have that power.


The Wand Geek was here. ;)
Huh?? The 'other comments' made above were simply observations. No person was being singled out or attacked by them. Completely harmless IMO.


Well-Known Member
ditto... i think it was the general bashing of RC, that probably drew that comment. all sites have their pros and cons, and a lot of the lively debates on RC are viewed as a con by many... for me personally, i don't mind it, i just avoid it when i see it. i love RC for its large tank forum, and huge classifieds section, and great vendor interaction, that far outweigh any cons.

I saw that tank back awhile ago, it's stunning. would that all of us could have something like that. :) i'm very impressed... thanks for sharing Shells!