Zoa's Moving Part 2


Ok well about a week ago i had one of my Zoanthids Bud and i had a new little baby Zoa:D Ok normal enough. But today i noticed that it had moved a good inch and a half from where it originally was. Its only about a third of an inch across itself. I think its because there is no real colonie of them yet and it has "spare" room each side of it. There are only another two near it and all of myne are scattered throughout my tank.

The other Zoa that i thought had moved down the rockwork has now dissapeared. So i dont know whats going on?

ANyone who has had this before it would be interesting to hear about whats going on in your tank.



Well-Known Member
Me either.

I have a bunch of small majano anemones that could pass for zoanthids... maybe that's what Tosh has.

If they are in fact zoanthids, then I want one... LOL! :D


im going away tomorow but when i get back ill post some pictures for you all. But im pretty sure there Zoa's. if they are infact the anemone thtt your talking about is there anyting i should know about them?



Well-Known Member
The main drawback to having majano anemones is they reproduce like rabbits... you start with two and within a couple months you're up to 20 or 30. They also pack quite a potent sting, and usually win any battles with other corals.

I'll take some pix of mine and post them once the batteries are recharged for my cam.

Have fun on your trip.


Well-Known Member
I never knew Xenia could walk. But I had a hermit crab with a huge Xenia on his back that used to walk around the tank. It was very ammusing. Could never tell if the other hermits were jealous or laughing at him


lol Nice Bruce. Well today i got back from a trip to brissy to pick up some stuff i had shipped from bali and noticed that again they have moved. Are there any specifics that will distinguish between Majano and Zoanthids? should Zoa's only have one "row" of "tenticals"? cause the largest one has about 4 "rows". Ill try and post some pics soon.
