Wrangy's 50 Gallon Reef Cube


Acropora Nut
Thanks guys!! Hong Kong was grouse I enjoyed it so much, I'm now in Bnagkok having a relax and off to an island, Krabi, tomorrow morning for some relaxing on the beach!! I'll definitely be trying to get some corals into Aus as it's just too good to pass up! I'll be using all the right channels and bringing it through customs and applying for an import license if I have to :) I want to do it the right way if I am to do it :)

JOSH :D It's good to see you posting again mate!!!!!!!!!!! :yup: How have you been???? Thanks mate, I'm certainly missing the tank right now but I'm over-the-moon with it :)
While I was thinking about it and after seeing someone else's reading materials I thought I'd post a pic of my own little library that continuously grows! (I'm a bit of an Arnie fan if you can't tell LOL )


I saw this as I was going through your thread and thought you might get a kick out of this. I was Arnold's security lead when he visited our city, while running for Governor. Me and Arnold "]


Acropora Nut
I AM ABOUT AS JEALOUS AS A PERSON CAN GET RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!! You are seriously so lucky!! I would give just about anything to meet the great man himself :D That is seriously so amazing :yup: I own nearly all his movies and his bodybuilding encyclopaedia is my bible :) I am definitely getting a huge kick out of that photo! Love it :D
I AM ABOUT AS JEALOUS AS A PERSON CAN GET RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!! You are seriously so lucky!! I would give just about anything to meet the great man himself That is seriously so amazing I own nearly all his movies and his bodybuilding encyclopaedia is my bible I am definitely getting a huge kick out of that photo! Love it

I'm glad you enjoyed it. I did two security details with him. One when he was running for Governor and one when he was Governor. He seemed pretty down to earth.


Acropora Nut
Still in Beijing and it's freezing!
The tank is doing okay :) There have been some minor issues but they have been sorted and Dad was there yesterday and gave me a full run through and everyone is happy and to my knowledge from his description healthy, which is a huge relief because I do worry. I know my fish will be fine because they are all really tough little buggers :D But it's my pride and glory Maxima clam that worries the heck out of me, I would be crushed if I lost that while away but he is very happy according to Dad, who knows what it looks like when happy :D So it's a huge relief!!
The worst part about it at the moment is there are bushfires within half an hour of my house and could easily come through that way :S so far the CFA (Country Fire Authority) have got them under control and nearly put out :) but there are still some small spot fires around so I've got my eye's on their website and Facebook pages seeing what the fires are doing in the suburb next to mine (5 mins away).

There really are no greater people than the men and women who risk themselves to keep our homes, pets and lives safe!! Which is why, I donate to the CFA whenever I get the chance! Most of those firefighters are volunteers so I do whatever I can, whenever I can to help out :)


Acropora Nut
All seems to be under control and they're letting local traffic back through the are but as with the Australian bush, you can never be too wary! So hopefully things can be controlled till the heatwave ends on Friday and brings some rain with it :)


Acropora Nut
Beijing Aquarium

As some may know I am currently visiting my family who moved to Beijing a couple of years ago for work and aside from missing my tank dearly, I'm having an amazing time!!
Today, was Beijing Aquarium day and it really is an awesome aquarium (3rd time I've been hear :p) so I thought I'd put up some of the photo's I've uploaded here and there's more on my photobucket, so feel free to browse :) I won't put them all up but here's some of the better photo's I took :)
Discus Tank:

Main saltwater 'ocean' display tank:

Spider Crabs:

This guy was the size of a large dog, absolutely awesome creature!!:

Some of the eels were enormous:

Healthy Moorish Idols, always nice to see:

Bit of Cleaner Wrasse action:

Just a couple of Foxfaces:

No aquarium is complete without a lionfish tank :D:

Jellyfish, jellyfish and more jellyfish:

Softie reef with some warfare:

An amazing Gorgonian tank:

Eel garden:

Main display again:

And finally, China's favourite fish. The one, the only, the ugly... Sturgeon Fish! They're pretty cool but not much to look at :p:

Definitely a great day and if you ever have the chance of being able to get to the aquarium, I highly recommend it!! It really is a great place and well kept :yup:
Hope ya'll are having a great start to the week and enjoy the photo's :)


Acropora Nut
I'M FINALLY HOME!! After 6 weeks of visiting my family and holidays, I have returned back and settled in today :D
And as amazing as the holiday was, it's so good being home again :yup:

I was a little bit nervous about my return and what the tank would be like after 6 weeks, only two water changes, some heatwaves, pump failure and various other things and happenings. All I wanted was for my fish, clam and favourite corals to have survived and GUESS WHAT... THEY DID!! :D :dance:
And what's better is that they have all grown too :) Pretty happy camper here!
There was a few unfortunate losses, I lost all the monti's in the tank (3 frags) and two acros but none of my prized pieces were lost! I didn't lose any zoa's or ric's and some of them have grown phenomenally :D
The algae in the tank is amazing, it's EVERYWHERE :laughroll I'm going to get water and supplies tomorrow and I will be doing 3-4 water changes over the next week to try and redeem my tanks glory haha

In the mean time here are a few photo's of what the tank looked like after I had my mad tank rush today. I got home at 10am this morning after flying overnight and as soon as I walked in the door I had the skimmer pulled apart and cleaned, the inside of the cabinet cleaned and wiped out, tubing for the ato cleaned fresh and all the dead coral removed :) Busy morning and I slept for a few hours afterwards but here are the photo's of the tank :)

Algae frag rack? :p

Happy clam :D

Ric's and zoa's and a browned out frag that is now green :)


Acropora Nut
Thanks Tok :D Hopefully she'll be back to normal in no time :) I plan on removing as much or all of the algae tomorrow during the water change and then using the others to stop it's return haha

Thanks Claire :) I'm really pleased with how well it went while I was gone!, I was so worried!


Well-Known Member
Growing some nice algae there Dom! :p

Glad to hear you are home safe and the tank is doing well. Looking forward to seeing the progress over the next few weeks.


Acropora Nut
Growing some nice algae there Dom! :p

Glad to hear you are home safe and the tank is doing well. Looking forward to seeing the progress over the next few weeks.

Tell me about it, going the au naturale look :laughroll haha
Happy to be home and even happier about the tank, the trick now is not to buy any coral over the next week or two... who know's if I'll last though :p


Acropora Nut
Well it took me 3 hours of dedicated work and a few different vinegar baths but my tank is starting to look like a tank again :D
I removed all of the larger bits of algae and most of the prominent stuff, few smaller bits and pieces are around the tank still but that will slowly continue to be removed as I do another couple of water changes over the next week :)
I tell you what there was an absolute tonne of algae, I spend an hour and a bit just pulling it out!! Nearly a kilo of the stuff :p I took some photo's of all the algae I removed with a frag plug next to it as a reference :p

In terms of a final count on my losses in the tank, it comes too; all my monti's, three acro's and the pocilliopora :(
All of my zoa's, ric's, morphs, clam, millie's and a few frags have survived and most have grown so it's not all terrible news :) more room for new corals too haha
After pulling all of the algae out, I did some re-organising and shifting pieces around to help get the tank where I want. The zoa's are no longer spread around randomly but encircling my clam so that I have a zoa garden growing around the base of my clam so it doesn't look so bare in that corner of the tank, I also shifted the clam back to make room for that shift. I brought my little flower nem forward to the front of the tank in the hope of a better view of it and my ric's have been shifted, one is part of the zoa garden and the other on the other side of the sand bed :) Here are some photo's of the new garden :D

Here's a view of the top of the tank and the two milli's :)

And no for the moment you've all been waiting for the before and after shots!! :)


The water is still a little cloudly as so much gunk was stirred up but the skimmer is doing it's just wonderfully and I have some filter floss (coarse and fine) on the tank to pull everything else out of the water :)
Also while I was getting water from Deer Park, I may have bought a coral... :p It was a purely innocent decision and I didn't plan on it but I couldn't help myself, you know how it goes haha
I've been looking for a nice lobo and I found one, so in the beauty went and all is well in the tank again :)


Hey Dom,

just thought I'd stop past...:tongue:

Where do I start!!! UUUMMMM Nice algae:bouncer: And good pruning skills....
mate lucky we don't have LFS's like where you were holidaying, what a range, what variety and what quality!!:smack::drooool:
I'd be broke since we don't pay there prices! thanks for sharing...

Ok so getting water from deer park? LFS there or do you get it from the ocean?

Nice lobo!

Sorry to hear about your coral losses mate....
oh yeah I have clam envy....:hammerhea

Also Dom, do you know much about importing corals into the country via international post. wanted to get some from the states, but everything is closed today, I can call customs Monday but I thought maybe it is already something you have looked into.

tank looks great mate, bit of TLC definitely goes a long long way in this hobby... and I'm following along on your new build, hurry up mate, it is not nice keeping us waiting.:whip:

See you on the flip side


Acropora Nut
Good work mate, that was a LOT of algae.


There was, seriously, so much of the stuff!! I pulled as much out and vacuumed the rest of the detritus out of the remaining :) I also angled one of the powerheads through the rockwork to stop the detritus settling in there. It has moved so much crap out and the filter floss is nearly brown already haha.

I really like the way the tank looks and feels now :D Sort of better than it was before, I'm going to stock it a little more carefully and give more thought to the placement of corals now that I have so much space again. I'll still be going with an sps system, so now it's just a matter of finding the right pieces and places :)
I'm also in the process of considering the next fish additions, the tank is able to handle it and I'll most likely be adding one or two new fish in the next month or so, so I'm doing my research and deciding on what I like and who will get along with the existing fish :)