Will I be able to keep a pipe fish?


New Member
I am just working out my wish list. Ill be making my first tank. Its dimensions are 24 x 24 x 14 shallow rimless.

I plan to have corals and clams.

The only fish so far I am wanting are a couple clowns, a cleaner goby, and then when the tank is very mature, a mandarin and a pipefish.

Would a pipefish be okay in a tank like that?


Active Member
Pipe fish are a lot like sea horses in the aspect of requirments... a lot of the time its going to be a species tank... and if not its got to be very carefully planned out, macros are usually involved


New Member
My tank contains a pair of H. reidi, a pair of banded pipefish, a mandarin and snails. They love the macros which I keep trimming down every other week. I only have a small gorgonian and xenia as far as coral goes. This set up seems to work well, with the mandarin and snails picking up left overs.