Who goes to a Gym?

Paul B

Well-Known Member
I have been going to a gym since I started my fish tank. I am still waiting for that keg to go away and for the 6 pack to emerge.
Maybe one more year.
Going to the gym is tough for a guy. Especially if there are a bunch of nice looking girls there.
It gets tiring pulling in your belly whenever one of them passes.
This morning I doing curls, I dont know why but it always seems like the thing to do. I was using a 20lb dumbell and this youngish girl (younger than me anyway) came near me and also started working out with the dumbells. I was quietly counting to myself
1,,,2,,,3,,,4 but when I saw the body on this girl I had to pick up the pace. She looked like one of those Babes in those superhero movies. She was counting out loud as she was lifting,
15,,,16,,,17,,,18,,,19 so as I continued lifting I said 20,,,21,,,22.
I knew I couldn't keep this up for long and I am happy she stopped at 25.

She finally left and I could breathe out again.
Then as I was catching my breath I noticed that they have 200lb dumbells. 200lb dumbells, who can lift a 200lb dumbell?
I used to be able to do that, No wait, that was in one of my dreams with Christi Brinkley.


hahhahaa holy cow! women like that creep me out sooo badly.

i go to the gym... but i somehow end up sitting on the machines talking to my boyf while he actually does things......


Well-Known Member
:laughroll :laughroll :laughroll
Too funny... I don't' work out as much as I used to... I just keep surfing and go into the gym like once or twice a week to to some circuit training. when i was in college I got into working out 5 days a week for about three years. When I graduated that stopped. Lots and lots of girls at the gym here at the beach.
That may have been the primary reason I went in college. Now I do it because I actually gotta try to keep the keg off...