White threads on my new Acro


Well-Known Member
Most likely just stress slime from being moved. How long has it been in your system, and is it near any other corals?

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Well-Known Member
Most likely just stress slime from being moved. How long has it been in your system, and is it near any other corals?

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk

Only got it last weekend. It is acclimatising on the sand and is 10cm from the nearest coral (GSP). It is looking much better today.

Many thanks,



Well-Known Member
Mesenterial filaments - do a search on 'acropora mesenterial filaments' to find out more about them. A google image search for 'acropora mesenterial filaments' will provide you images similar to yours.


Agree with mikejrice, keep it away from other corals.

Thanks Sue, it was restricted to a small patch, maybe only a few polyps on one branch of the new frag. Thanks for the articles. You are a goldmine of information!


Well-Known Member
Usually mesenterial filaments come out at night, so you don't see them. It is also a new coral, so it may be reacting to a new environment (or it didn't get enough food where it came from and is looking for nutrients). Those filaments are full of stinging cells, so best to keep it away from other corals, which it sounds like you have.