Where are my ID masters?


Well-Known Member
Hi There ~ I have what I can only describe as what looks like Rose thorns growing in various places in my tank mostly on the rock but some on the clams shell too. Here is a picture ..look for the red thorny thing under the Dendro ;) $10,000,000.00 for a positive ID. (Nope not really LOL)



Well-Known Member
I dunno...I've never seen anything come out of the growth. It's red, and spiky just like a rose thorn. It doesn't move.

redsea reefer

Well-Known Member
I wish I was. Its OK Tammy, they dont end up all over the place, I have maybe 3-4 of them. They don't crawl around if that helps any.:)


NaClH2O Addicted
I'm not sure if I'm looking at the right tings or not. The browner looking things look like what Eddie said - Vermetid Worms. The reddest things look more like Foraminiferans to me.

I think Vermetids are actually classed as snails:

Melevsreef.com - Vermetids

Lots of types of Foraminiferans - typically spiky little things and some are definitely very red.

I have at least one snail with a Vermetid on it's shell - spins out a web to catch things. The webs can at times irritate corals if you get too many Vermetids.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if I can just scrape them off or break them or something? There is one on my clam shell as well as a couple that are growing on the base of my Caulastrea. The other seem to be on the rock. I would say I have counted about 5 or so on the rock.


NaClH2O Addicted
Scrape them off if you want and can. Both Vermetids and Foraminiferans have calcium based shells/structures so they make not come off easily.


I have no idea what they are called but I had them in 2 different tanks FOWLR and a reef. I always found them when moving a rock. Ouch. Never seemed to hurt anything, but the Fish Only tank only got ambient light and they grew there the best.

David Shaw

Well-Known Member
They are snail Tammy. They send out a mucus when you stir the sand bed or do a water change to trap particles. I have a few and they are fine.

Least they ain't worms !