What's up with my Emerald Crab?


Sturgeon General
Hey all,
We recently began stocking a 16 gallon bow that's been running empty for about 10 months. It now houses and ocellaris and a skunk dotty. More than a week ago we added an emerald crab. After a drip acclimation period he was introduced to the tank. Since that moment, he has sat in one spot, more or less, on the sand out front. He sifts through the sand with his claws and appears to be eating. He appears to be mobile, as he's moved an inch or two in one direction or the other. But I've found him a few times upside down, and he was unable to right himself, so I had to flip him.

Watching him up close, he appears to be acting normal, but he simply has never left that tiny patch of sand for a almost nine days now. Is this really strange? I've had emeralds in the past and I know they usually travel. Any thoughts?


I'm not sure. My emerald is always hiding I the day and very active at night working on one rock after another. Sounds to me like he is ill.


Sturgeon General
Yeah, you'd think he's ill, but normally I'd expect a death or a recovery in this time frame...


Well-Known Member
That is weird... good to see you back posting on RS Flipper, always enjoy seeing the members that started RS back posting !