What is your favorite show fish for a 65g?


I have a 65g reef tank that is about 5 months old and so far is healthy and thriving. I currently have a pair of Ocellaris clowns, a pair of Firefish, and a Yellow Watchman. I am looking for a larger, colorful, less common fish to really set off the tank. Ideally I would like a swimmer that is out more than hiding. I know many of you are tired of these threads but I would love some suggestions.


Active Member
I like the watchman gobies and the Fairy Wrasses myself. Another cool fish you may think about later on would be a dragonette, but you need a good supply of pods for one. Shaun


I love my watchman and was thinking about a Fairy Wrasse. There are just such a variety of them and it is hard to tell from pictures which ones have the most vibrant colors. Which ones would you consider if you were looking for one that will really stand out?


I have had really bad luck with tangs and ich....wiped my whole tank :(. I am kind of afraid to buy another one...lol. Are some tangs more prone to ich then others? My previous was a Powder Brown.


Koles are hardy imo. I put mine in a 17 gallon system I had with copper for 6 weeks then put him in my dt. No ich! Great fish, always out and about, munching on algae on rocks.


I'm a fan of anthias, they are really personable and draw other fish out and about. I would suggest a fathead or if you have the funds blotched anthias are beautiful fish.


I had a yellow bellied hippo tang b4 it got too big for my tank, was a very pretty color variation and had alot of personality


I went with a Flame Angel. I have always liked them and found a great specimen at my LFS. Sonar he is a model citizen. I have had him for two days and he is eating frozen brine and mysis.

Here he is:



Well-Known Member
He he. Actually I did that. We had a yellow in the 25g for a little while to eat all the HA. He was teeny though and it was a good opportunity for him to get bigger for the bigger tank.


Active Member
The powder blue and browns are terrible ick magnets. Also more delicate than yellows or blue hippos. You went with a good choice getting the flame angel for your size of tank. They are really great fish! Loved mine!