what eats caulpera?


I have a colnie of caulper that is growing in the corner of my tank that is getting a little out of controll. and i need something that is going to eat it. my trimming it dosnt seem to be doing the job and now it is out of controll.

What fish, slug,crab whatever eats feather caulpera??

new reefer 03

Active Member
this is mainly just a nice little :bump: fort you, but im pretty sure that yellow tangs, a foxface rabbitface, lawnmower blenny, all of those eat algae. im not sure if the eat "caulper" but i would do some research on those fish


Well-Known Member
not much will eat up. some tangs and others mentioned will pick at it some, maybe. but dont use tangs, caulerpa has toxins in it that may cause your fish to get sick if they eat it, most fish know better and dont mess with it. the only things that i know of that do feed on it is opisthobranch mollucs like Oxynoe olivacea, O. azuropunctata, Lobiger serradifalci.
Oxynoe olivacea would the best, IMO. it feeds on Caulerpa. they perfer Caulerpa prolifera but it will also feed on taxifolia.