wet/dry filter and nitrates ???


i just add to my system a new wet dry filter ,,and i dont know if it will make my nitrates hight or not ..
please if any of u are familier with this wet/dry filter please reply ,i dont want to lose of my plants and live stock
i got this filter couse i dont use sump


Just some guy, you know?
Wet dry's, and anything with biological filtration tend to raise nitrates over time,.. this is mainly due to the fact that there's tons of arobic area on the bio media, but no anerobic area.

If you have lots of live rock it's the best biological filter you can have, and doesn't have the same problem :)



Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what a wet/dry is without bio-balls. That one is a bit confusing. Basically what Wiskey was saying is that the bacteria that converts amonia to nitrite and nitrite to nitrate can survive in an air environment and therefore will populate thing like bio-balls though the bio-balls will also trap detrius. The bacteria that converts nitrate to a harmless gas to be removed from the system can only live completely under water or more correctly without air. In a wet/dry you generally have part under water and part above water. Other than trapping detrius they will not hurt the system but they will not help with nitrate removal. The bacteria in LR will complete the cycle and that is why we rely on it so heavily.


i have a wet/dry i took the bio balls out and added a sock will this help? i also have sufficient LR.