watchman goby and pistol shrimp?


Does anyone know if watchman gobies and pistol shrimp can have a symbiotic relationship? I already have the orange spot watchman in my tank, but i think a pistol shrimp would be neat with it.


watchmans and pistols can have a symbiotic relationship - and it is pretty cool to watch. Unlike clowns, you have to pair the right watchman with the right pistol. I can check when I get home - I have a chart with many of the pairings.


Interestingly, the pistol in the picture at Blue Zoo is not the normal partner of the YW; the normal partner is the Alpheus bellulus; Tiger pistol; which has red antenna. Too funny


lol not your fault. i love the irony is all - the owner of bluzoo wrote a book on on the hobby. amusing

But to the question at hand. The partner shrimp for the orange spot goby, Ablyeleotris guttata, is in fact the tiger pistol, Alpheus bellulus


Ok , but if my watchman is already in the tank is it to late for a pistol shrimp? and pistol shrimps wont fight cleaner shrimp will they? its a 75 gal tank


Shouldn't be too late. May take a while for the watchman to find the shrimp. And the cleaners will stay away from the pistol - the pistol is better armed


Member going to read up on them..ive read success and failure stores with pistols and cleaner shrimps...and of course the video everyone who asks this question has seen...


The shrimp in that video is a bullseye pistol (Alpheus soror) I believe. It is a much bigger shrimp than the tiger, 2-3x, and does not bond with gobies.

I have kept tigers with cleaners and never had a problem on several tanks.

I did have an Alpheus splendida kill a peppermint once. But that pistol was 3" long in the body, a real tank (also does not bond with gobies). And the pepper kept going in the pistols burrows. Normally the pepper came flying out when the pistol warned it; but one day the pistol had enough and took him out. At least I assumed he did; never saw him again. The other 3 peppers in the tank never had a problem; but they never went into the burrow. Interestingly, the dartfish and tiger striped gobies went in and out of the burrows at will.

I have never seen a cleaner go into a tiger burrow. They have some sense IME. I wonder how hungry that pistol in the video was - mine have never been aggressive; but I never kept a bullseye either.


2 of my 3 peppers and my 1 cleaner shrimp all stay on the right side of my tank and 1 pepper and the watchman stay on the complete opposite side so if i let the pistol go on the left and feed it well it shouldn't really be a problem. i guess..


You won't see the pistol a whole lot. He will dig burrows and tool around the tank. He will be much more concerned with his sand than any shrimp. I wouldn't worry


I bought a yellow watchman and a tiger pistol shrimp that were already pairs. I put them both in the tank, and they found each other without any trouble. The goby sleeps in the burrow made by the shrimp. I usually see them out during the day, but there are some days where they stay hidden. Mine likes flake food and mysis shrimp.


New Member
Hi I have a red banded pistol shrimp with a goby tha after 6 monts died so I hear my pistol but i never saw it then I get a yellow watch man goby that never pair the shrimp then I get another yellow watch man and they stay togheter after a couple days i put it in my tank and live together and I can see the shrimp now so good luck if you find the right parter for your shrimp


New Member
Hi I have a red banded pistol shrimp with a goby tha after 6 monts died so I hear my pistol but i never saw it then I get a yellow watch man goby that never pair the shrimp then I get another yellow watch man and they stay togheter after a couple days i put it in my tank and live together and I can see the shrimp now so good luck if you find the right parter for your goby


New Member
We just purchased a Yellow watchman gobie and and a tiger Pistol shrimp and they we not in the same tank together and they found each other in just minutes. Very cool to watch them


i had a tiger pistol goby pair. i had the fish before i put the shrimp in. i just added the shrimp to the rocks near where the goby always hung out and went out and by the time i came home they had bonded and were digging. i will say be prepared for a sandstorm if they pair up. that pistol will constantly be digging. also make sure your rocks are really secure because the shrimp can cause rockslides. also make sure your goby is super healthy looking, the shrimp will only bond with a healthy looking fish otherwise he sees the fish as food.


It appears my orangespot wmen goby is hostin with 2 peppermint shrimps, they stay in the same hole and never leave without each other