Very important info!!

Craig Manoukian

Well-Known Member
Resistance training will build muscle and delay osteoperosis. Protein is the only thing your body can convert to muscle mass. Muscle weighs 5 times the same volume of fat. Your leg muscles have the potential to burn more calories than any other muscles, duh.

Calories per gram of intake:

Protein - 4
Carbohydrates - 4
Fat - 9

:) :D :cool: ;) :p :smirk:


Wannabe Guru
any alcoholic beverage is good for ya as long as it's taken in moderation;) great info craig...I love protein:D


Active Member
Maybe that is my problem Craig, I run so legs are trim, stomach on the other hand sucks! LOL!
I hurt my back years ago, so working the stomach & back is difficult at times. I need to get back to it though.

Craig Manoukian

Well-Known Member

Until I started working my abs 5-6 days a week, I had back problems due to weak core muscles. I do a kneeling crunch using rope handles on a cable machine. You can use really light weights to start and add weight as you become more fit. You face the weight stack on your knees holding ropes on the side of your face and then the pull down with your abs, crunch. Keep your back rigid. It looks like doing prayers while on your knees bending at the waist. You have constant pressure on your abs and engage the core muscles along your spine as you control the weight up.

Hope that makes sense.

:) :D :cool: ;) :p :smirk:


Way to go Craig!

I'm lucky to get into the gym 3x a week.

But at 5'9'', 190lbs, that is 15lbs down from last Christmas.
I still have 5-10 more to go, but I'm getting there. I think I may be defeating the weight loss with adding muscle mass, but I'll take that.

Keeping my intake under 1500 calories/day (usually :smirk: ).

Good luck with the Holidays everyone.

Have a drink on me!

Craig Manoukian

Well-Known Member
Good job Blythe!


Not familiar with the intracasies of a BowFlex, Can you get them to work like an overhead cable machine? If so, I don't think why not.

:) :D :cool: ;) :p :smirk:


Active Member
I will have to study it when I get home. When I was hurt 15 years ago, (Pinched Disc), I maintained a regimen of crunches, but last July, I had a kidney stone, which put a stop to it all, my side was sore for months, I'm just getting back to the running as before. Slow but sure, I'm working on it, just at 36 it takes a little longer to get caught up.


I like the BlueBell diet (it's a Texas diet). I've been on it for about 8 years. I haven't lost any weight but I sure do like the diet!
