Uncured concrete,please Help !


New Member
Big hello to all !
It has been 41days since I put salt(RedSea) into my FW 3*1.5*1.5 (foot) tank.
Have been using-dry tubifex worms,bits(tiny) of fish,sugar cubes, for the bacteria culture.
there has been a major mistake commited in the name of careless ignorence.-I have had a huge fresh concrete wall placed into my tank without the cure.
So,the big fat innocent concrete structure has done all the leeching into my expensive salt water.
high pH has caused heavy precipitation of calcium.
there was a thick white-bacteria bloom after 100(approx)ml of vinegar was added that has almost completely subsided after a week.
And yes,the structure is permanent and thus it has to stay in there with the conc base(1cm thick).
the water is by nature very hard(top off leaves calcium lines on the glass).had kept chiclids(african).
had planned for a FO tank with prolifera(macro algae).

Please advice on where to go from here.have I reached a dead end with this property ?


Well-Known Member
Lose all the water, refill with freshwater and wait. Change water again. Adding more vinegar will speed up the cure, but it takes time.


Well-Known Member
Fresh concrete takes 28 days to fully cure with a very high ph of around 12 till it fully cures once it fully cures the ph will be normal and safe but until then it isnt safe for anything alive with such a high ph,, you can wait to just let it cure and then you will have to make seveal large water changes to bring the ph down to the normal range


New Member
I have some rock i made around christmas with the kids and it still is fluctuating a bit still...8/. Always research....i dont have the scummy water on top any more but will still wait another couple weeks before i think about setting my 90 gallon dsb up. My next headache will be moving slow with the kids trying to push things along....lol.


New Member
Thank you all for the concern !
Now,since its is the 45th day today,I can assume my concrete(2 foot long,14 inch tall,with troughs<5 inch deep>and crests on the front side like the canyon,shaped almost like a right angled triangle) has entirely cured!
And the pH is by itself supposed to gradually drop to somewhere around 8-9?
Therefore,how long does it take for the chemistry part to get to be normal ?
I am not a man in a hurry to put a fish in that hell-tank! The reason I am not throwing the water out so fast is,I wanted to know what happens to that water.I am sure some chemistry-reefer could tell me what is what but I value every sort of input highly.
Waiting for some more replies with strong patience.


Well-Known Member
Id say if the ph is staying down to normal 8.0-8.5 then its cured and ok to use, I would still make a couple large water changes first though since you cured in the tank before adding fish ,,I would probably make 2- 50% water changes over a couple days then start testing and if everything tests ok you can start slowly adding life to it,,,