sun coral


New Member
Ok folks this is freaking awsome! I just got large sun coral! at a price you would not belive $20!! But, here lies my question. I know sun corals are sinsitive to light and in nature grow at the mouth of caves.....but i use halides and florecent lighting (all in one fixture) where would be the best place to put it in my tank? Can anyone share some experiance?


Smile Maker
They will acclimate to light readily. However, mounting them under an overhang or in a cavelike area is more natural.


Active Member
tubastrea have no prefference for light, whether it be intense or absent. As lond as you make it a gradual change from their previous lighting, you shouldn't have a problem. Personally, I think their bright color looks great in a cave, but it makes it more difficult to feed them. Regular feedings are the key. Once you get them healthy and eating they are a piece of cake.