StuartQPR's RSM 250


Yes - only other fish I think I might want is a royal gramma - otherwise im happy to keep the tank sparsely populated to ensure everybody is happy. I have no interest in anything overly complicated or any corals that may require dosing at this stage of my reefkeeping career :)


Acropora Nut
I game pretty heavily as well so don't fel too bad :p BF3 man myself and waiting for BF4 :p haha

Definitely add a Royal Gramma :D I love mine and it is one of the most beautiful fish I've seen :yup: They eat anything too, mine goes nuts and will everything and anything I feed and it took no time to get it onto flake food too :)
K.I.S.S? Good idea :) lots of pretty soft and lps corals out and about on the Aussie market at the moment which is awesome!! Also if you haven't already found this guy on Facebook Elite Corals Australia are absolutely awesome!! His corals are crazy and the prices are just as good and he's going to the effort of finding me the corals I want out of the thousand or so he has :D (A few pretty morphs!)


yeah for sure keeping it simple - im fortunate that the corals I like most are easiest to keep. Cool facebook link - I will check it out - pics look pretty amazing!


Acropora Nut
Looking awesome mate!! :D New torch is really nice! I do love the flow and movement they add :) Elegance looks ridiculously happy too!


wow its been a while - almost over two months to be exact! I havent added anything to the tank, all fish are alive and well. Will try to take some pictures tomorrow :)


Can't wait!

Ok - the reason I have been inactive for a few months is because we are moving house this weekend! Really not looking forward to moving everything, thankfully I have some friends helping. Does anybody have and advice/suggestions?


Active Member
Ok - the reason I have been inactive for a few months is because we are moving house this weekend! Really not looking forward to moving everything, thankfully I have some friends helping. Does anybody have and advice/suggestions?

large doses of adult beverages


Well-Known Member
When I moved I did the following and it all worked.

1. Start with plenty of 5 gallon buckets.
2. Siphon water into buckets.
3. Add corals and rocks to buckets keeping coral from touching each other and separating species (Don't put hard and soft corals in the same bucket.
4. Siphon more water into buckets.
5. Add live rock to buckets.
6. Once almost all the water is out, catch fish and put them in plastic bags.
7. Get as much water out as possible but leave the nasty water near the bottom.
8. Use a scoop to remove all the sand. I didn't reuse the sand, I started with new sand. Keep one cup of sand to reseed the new sand.
9. Move everything to new house.
10 Wash tank inside and out, cleaning out rear chambers using a garden hose. This is your opportunity to get is pristine again, take your time and clean i right!.
11. Put the tank back together. Add rock, water, fish and corals.
12. Have plenty of extra saltwater on hand, you'll need it to replace what you didn't take.



Acropora Nut
+1 to what Greg has said! Awesome advice as per usual :)
I'd offer to come round and lend a hand with it all but I'm out of the country with family, I wish you all the best for the move mate!!! :yup: Hopefully everyone survives okay :)


Thank you Greg - I know I had seen you post that information on other threads and it was exactly what I was after!

Wrangly - No worries mate I have organised for there to be 4 of us (me my gf and two friends) to move the tank, buckets etc. I will try to take a few pics as we go :)


Well i am happy to report the house move went very well, albeit being a very tiring and slightly stressful experience! Definitely do not want to be moving house any time soon again :)

All up the fish tank took about 5-6 hours and 2 van loads. I gave the tank a proper clean (lots of stubborn coraline algae on the glass) and replaced the sand. Walking into our new apartment with 8 x 30l water containers the neighbours must have thought I was setting up some sort of breaking bad meth lab :) All fish and corals survived!! The fun part was re-scaping, I will upload some new pics once I have internet set up at home!


Acropora Nut
Excellent to hear it all went smoothly mate! :yup:
Looking forward to seeing the new pics of the tank and the different scape :D


Acropora Nut
Awesome rescape and good seeing the tank looks so happy after the move! :D
How far did you have to move?


Cheers mate! lol not far - 3.5km to be exact (Toorak to Hawthorn).One thing I couldnt believe was how many tiny snails I have in my tank! It was also a good opportunity to clean the stubborn corraline algae off the glass - now its only on the rear which I like the look of - the shades of blue, purple i feel add to the look of the tank.


Acropora Nut
Nice move, I do love Hawthorn :)
I'm the same as you, keep the coralline on the back wall to cover the black and have a more natural look. I've got plenty at the moment :p