So. Shore, MA - Kenya Tree Coral for SPS frag



I have a Kenya tree that has become too big and has started a bit of chem warfare in my tank - damaged a pocillopora.

Anywho... It is LARGE. If it had the room to spread out it would likely be 10 inches across or more of "branches" the main stalk is about 4" tall and an inch or two in diameter (hard to measure through the glass). It is a healthy pink/beige/flesh color

I would like swap with someone relatively local to the South Shore of Massachusetts - anywhere inside 495 south of I90, or anywhere inside 128. I would also prefer to do this on Friday this week!

I really don't want to ship it, as I don't have the right equipment - bags, styrofoam, heat/cold packs etc.

Just throwing this out there as I'd rather swap with a Sanctuarian than with my LFS.

What I would like in trade. An SPS frag - superman monti encrusting, red/rose millepora, purple/blue acro, red monti digitata, or anything rare or interesting.


See my reef chronicle (link in my sig) for photos - shown in the Full Tank Shots!


Well-Known Member
Post #46 of page 4 guys.

I would love to have that. Man its cool. It would go for about $125 in store, keep that in mind for your trade.



Well, I had to work on Friday, so I didn't make it to the LFS. If anyone is interested, please let me know! I should be available this coming Friday (8/22/08)
