snail problem

Is it posable to have to many snails have a 220 gal had lots of alige on the glass but my snails have been breeding like crazy and i have hundreds of them now and no alige worried my tangs and urchents will not have enough alige but the tank does look great thank you


Well-Known Member
Population will go down once food gets lower, you can't have to many snails IMHO. Want to watch them vanish add a few Hermit Crabs. Have fun!
thank you and i do have blue leg crabs in there i have only been at this for a year and a half so have LOTS to learn thank you again i would post pics but cant seen to get them to load on this site
thanks for the info but i dont know why but it wont let me copy i realy hate computers lol i can make the pic go to my facebook but not to RS anyway thankyou for your time you have been great will keep trying. Todd