Should i buy this cube


Active Member
I found a guy that will sell me a oceanic 29 nano cube for $80 only thing is he took out all the stuff in the filter section. My question is how cheap would it be and what would I need back there to support zoas mushrooms and maybe a hammer or frogspawn ( besides lighting) and a couple small fish, probably clowns. Without having to hook up a sump to it.


Well-Known Member
Your going to have to spend some money on equipment to get it going correctly, you might pass if you want cheap.


i would take it but you have to be able to find equipment that will fit in it. Try to buy it for around $50 if u can. But if u can find some equipment to fit it would be a steal :)


Active Member
It has the return and overflow but that's it. Honestly I don't even know what's supposed to go back there besides a media rack


Active Member
Just talked to him more and he convinced me. 29g cube system, (one bulb needs replaced), heater, and a powerhead, all for 85 couldnt pass it up.


Active Member
got one up, the man cave build thread. A lot of work in store for me with clearin up my 55 and startin this one haha