RO...DI...or tap?


Well-Known Member
What's the best for a planted tank? I've been using RO but have a new DI. Should I stick with the RO?


Well-Known Member
I would say it depends on what type of plants you are growing and what type of fish you are keeping. The DI can be beneficial if your source water is really bad, but RO is sufficient for many people.


Well-Known Member
I got the DI for the salty guys because its best. Do the fresh guys care? I just haven't read up as much on them. They all seam happy but I'm not as critical about the fresh tank...there are guppies, ottos, tetras, khuli loaches...and plants. The guy at the fish store says he uses 1/2 tap and 1/2 RO. I wasn't sure if I was stripping stuff out too much with the DI for the fresh tank.
I have RO in the kitchen and DI in the garage.