Return Pump Recommendations?


OK, I don't have a lot of mentorship in this hobby - other than the wonderful folks here - and it is time for me to get a return pump.

Caveats: I'm going out of town next week for a few days, and now that I'm running Halides I have to top off at least once a day. So, I need a pump that can be used for my ATO system until my fuge is finally running. Head height is about 5 - 6 feet. I plan on building my own PVC overflow. Or, if I'm feeling really cheeky, I may build a sump and overflow this week (but that will only leave me with 4 days to make sure it all works fine, and my GF would NOT appreciate us coming home to a soaked fish room.)

I am inclined to go with a Mag 5 or similar, because of reputation. But I thought I had heard of a pump or two that folks generally liked more. I do prefer an in-sump (wet) pump for the return.

Any and all suggestions will be greatly appreciated!



I'm running a Mag in my return and a MJ600 in my ATO. Not really AGAINST anything else but that's what's working right now for me. :D


Thanks for the recommendations. I think I'm going to go ahead and start off with the Mag pump, and see how it goes from there. I still have a lot of work to do the tank before I can get a full overflow-sump going, and the Mag should be fine (cheap enough!) to work until then.

I do have another question. How the heck does one attach the return plumbing TO the pump when using PVC? Or are the pump outlets correctly sized for threaded connects?


My system has a "Barbed Fitting" that's screwed into the pump and then goes into another "Barbed Fitting" that goes into the pre-drilled holes up into the over-flow box for the return plumbing. Gosh I hope that makes sense.. I took a quick bathroom break and now lost my concentration!!