Reef Keeping Poetry


My 7 year old was complaining of being bored bc it was raining outside, I told him to write a story about his fish, he asked me to help him write a poem instead. He came up with all the ideas, I just helped him make it rhyme.

Kyle's Reef

The best place that I've ever been,
Is by my tank right in my den.

Inside this small amazing box,
An entire world lives around the rocks.

A Three Stripe Damsel named Marty,
Hides in his cave and acts grumpy.

Lincoln is a friendly Scopas Tang,
He is the leader of this fish gang.

Lenny the Blenny is a sight to see,
He pokes out his head to say hi to me.

An orange Clownfish named Nemo,
I love his wiggly swimming so.

My Clownfish, Oreo, is black and white,
Watch your fingers she will bite!

I think I saved the best for last,
Her yellow tail helps her swim fast.
She is blue with freckles on her face,
That's right it's Dory to win the race.

My reef tank holds so many things,
I swim inside it in my dreams.


Thanks. He is learning about poetry at school I guess bc I have never taught him anything about it. After this I went and dug out my old Shel Silverstein books and we had so much fun reading his wacky poems.

I think he nailed every fishes personality too. I am going to make it into a picture book for him I think.