Red Sea 2007


Well-Known Member
nice pics. i love them. what kind of camera and light did you use? just so happens i am in the market for a good scuba camera and if i could get pic's even close that i would be happy. really great shots, thanks for sharing


Sea&Sea DX 5000G





Well-Known Member
Great pictures! Are any of these from a night dive? Where is this at in the Red Sea? How difficult was the diving?

Sea&Sea DX 5000G

I have the same camera and absolutely love it. But I must admit your pics are nicer than mine. Do you have the wide angle lens for it? I really like that lens too. I think the 8000 series replaces the 5000 series.

corals do not appear very colorful

It is very tough to keep the colors in the corals if you are taking a picture from any distance, especially on a overcast day. You can add a second strobe light and increase that a bit, but I usually stick with the closer shots unless I have a lot of natural light.


Wannabe Guru
It is very tough to keep the colors in the corals if you are taking a picture from any distance, especially on a overcast day. You can add a second strobe light and increase that a bit, but I usually stick with the closer shots unless I have a lot of natural light.

I think the corals aren't very colorful because they're in relatively deep water, if I'm not mistaken between 10-30 meters. If they were in shallower water I think the corals would be much more colorful, but this is just my guess.