Raise your hand please. Angels


Active Member
In your reef? Please list what type of Angels you have in your reef and how long have you had them.

Any Fiascos?


PS: I am dying to buy a pair of Flame Angels.


Wannabe Guru
I've had my Flame Angel for about 7 months and have never had a problem. I have mostly LPS corals and a couple of softies and he's never bothered any of them. I have heard some stories of Dwarf's bothering Clams and Brain corals, I don't have them so I can't comment HTH;):)
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I don't have any, but was thinking of getting one- I've heard that more than one of the same species will fight in the same tank- unless you could get a mated pair somehow, but this may not be a problem if they are in a bigger tank with more "territory" to go around.


Wannabe Guru
I believe the minimum tank size is 80gal for more than one Dwarf with lots of hiding places and they should be added at the same time and the size should vary.:smirk:


my name is Rob and I'm a Zooaholic
I've had my Coral Beauty for well over a year now. I have SPS,LPS, Softies and everything. He does tend to pick at stuff but that's about it


Wannabe Guru
They do have a tendency to nip. In the wild they feed off the slime produced especially by LPS corals but it's more of an irritation than actually munching on them JMHO:)


Contributing Member
I had this guy in my tank for about a month before it started picking at my acropora, motipora, pocillipora (basically anything with a pora on the end).



Wannabe Guru
If you're interested in Angels I would recomend a book titled 'Angelfishes' A Comprehensive Guide to Pomacanthidae by Helmut Debelius has a great section on Dwarf's;)


Well-Known Member
I have a Flame in my 90, and to the best of my knowledge, doesn't bother anything. Pics at things occasionally, mostly algaes & some of the small sponges growing on the rock. I had a coral beauty in my 40, but it got moved to make room for the large sohal being temporarily housed there. I'll put it back in today since the sohal has been behaving himself, and the angel shouldn't get picked on.(hopefully!)


Active Member
Dang it reefrunner, no doubt one of the most beautiful Angels I have ever seen. How much did you pay for that jewel?


Well-Known Member
Playa, unless I miss my guess, that's a flameback. There are 2 different, but related species.(or sub-species) One from Africa, the other from Brazil. Africans rum from $25.00 to as much as $60.00, depending on the usual differences. ( where you buy, how caught, etc.)
Here's links to both on the Marine Center's site:
Brazilian Flameback
African Flameback


Contributing Member
The one pictured is an african flameback, I paid 30.00 from the LFS, it was only about 2" long. I have (several years afo) owned a brazillian flameback and had no problems. To my knowledge the brazillian is not a sub species of the african, or vice versa, they are two distinct species in the same genus. C. acanthops (african) and C. aurantonotus (brazillian).


I had a coral beauty for 3 years, it ate Xenia but left all else alone.

I just removed a nice Cynarina from a tank I maintain, seems that the flame angel in that tank likes to nibble on those and Trachyphyllia sp, but leaves else alone.

There are stories pro and con regarding angels in reefs.

Lamarck's, Japanese Swallowtails and Watanabes are supposed to be completely reef safe. Have not heard complaints at all about these.




New Member
Hey Jenn! Nice to see another "card carrying member" here! :D

I had a Cherub/Pygamy Angel (C. argi) in my tank for several years, she was a well behaved little lady and never bothered a thing.


Evil Angel
Here's my Angel. I've had it for about 5 months. It nips at the LR and hasn't bothered any of my clam's or SPS so far! I wanted one really bad for awhile too and was aprehensive about getting one. I asked a few people that had them, succh as you are, and no one had an issue's with keeping one. So I looked at LFS's here for a long time and it was month's before I ever found one in stock. When I did find it, I waited a few days and then went back and bought it. I hope if you buy one, that you have good luck as well in keeping one!

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the wood dude
luis i've got a coral beauty and a flame in my reef and have'nt had any problems with either one.