prodibio and xenia


Well-Known Member
You can also incorporate a lot of the zeo products with your prodibio. Most of them are good for just about any tank but will not produce the same results without the stones and a rigid dosing schedule.
I dose Prodibio and have xenia in my tank with great results. I like to try to keep my nitrates at 5 or 10 and monitor it closely. I do not do frequent water changes and dose the tank with essentials that are lost over time. I have definately seen a difference in there appearance when the tank is totally clean vs. a tank that has some nitrates present


frankie if i end up dosing the potassium would you recommend zeo or warnermarine which im a big fan.

thanks for clarifing



I dose Prodibio and have xenia in my tank with great results. I like to try to keep my nitrates at 5 or 10 and monitor it closely. I do not do frequent water changes and dose the tank with essentials that are lost over time. I have definately seen a difference in there appearance when the tank is totally clean vs. a tank that has some nitrates present
how long have you been dosing prodibio im only dosing the reefbooster.
ive done the bioclean.


I havent dosed with the reefbooster yet, but i have been dosing Bioptim and Biodigest for 3 months now. I waited 12 days in between 1st and second dose(15 days is reccomended) but I had a case of hair algae on a few rocks and shortened time in between doses. Algae was pretty much gone 7 days after second dose. As of now I plan on dosing once a month for maintanence. I have heard nothing but good results from my LFS and the people they have turned on to this product.
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