Piccasso Trigger

Nowellsy SNR

Active Member
Hi i have a Niger Trigger i got him when he was very small i allready had the 2 cleaner shrimps in the tank he's never bothered them and still goes to get a clean, i have 1 Emerald Crab and 1 Hermit Crab plus lots of snails. I would say get your cleanup crew in the tank first let them settle and then add your Picasso i would suggest a small one


Well-Known Member
Generally these fish will eat any inverts introduced after they are established in the tank. In general any crabs, snails, shrimp and soft bodied inverts are at risk.

Some of the longer spine sea urchins can do well with these triggers, but even then they are no match for a hungry trigger.



I have been lucky, I know. I have a Humu Rectangle in the same tank with: 2 peppermint shrimp, 1 sallielightfoot, 1 skunk ckleaner, about 20 snails, 2 tiger serpent stars, 3 fancy brittle stars, 3 scarlett hermits. Trigger is only about 3.5" long and tank is 75 gal. I know one day he may turn and start killing things. But so far he is tame. One thing that i tried that seemed to work, when I introduce shrimp and snails I do it well after lights out when the trigger is about down for bed anyway. Gives the new guys time to get in the tank and finid a safe place without the trigger chasing them. If I can find my USB cord, I finally got a picture of the cleaner shrimp and the trigger interacting.