OT, This Is Horrible!!!! I cannot believe it's on the web!!!


Google Warrior
If your reading this the title served :D Sorry, figured "Getting to know one another" was sappy and no one would look so I'll bet on your curiosity. :)

I just dug this out of the depths of RS off topic and rather than digging up an old thread I'll start a new, Filling out the questioner is a good way to get too know your fellow reefers fill it in as a joke or with facts this can get pretty comical, just copy and paste the blank questions then fill in as you see fit

First Name:



Fav Colour:

Music Genre:

Movie Genre:

Fav Book:

Fav TV Show:

Fav Movie:

Fav Song:

Fav Computer Game:

Fav Joke:

Worst Nightmare:

Best Dream:

Fav Food:



Petty Hates:

Your Perfect Partner:


How would you like to Die:

What do you think happens after death:


Google Warrior
First Name: Eric

Country: USA

Pets: Dog, reptiles, fish, ect

Fav Color: orange

Music Genre: All

Movie Genre: Horror

Fav Book:

Fav TV Show: Justified, Sons of Anarchy

Fav Movie: Recently Tuck & Dale Vs Evil was pretty comical

Fav Song: to many to list

Fav Computer Game: Battle Field

Fav Joke: to nasty to post

Worst Nightmare: Waking up beside Rosie O'Donnell

Best Dream: Winning the lottery or a successful diamond heist :D

Fav Food: Roast Beef sub with all the fixins

Habits: Mostly Bad

Allergies: Annoying people, Peta, ect

Petty Hates: Open to discussion.

Your Perfect Partner: My wife "if she was Mute"

Hobbies: As many things as I can find :D

How would you like to Die:Fast

What do you think happens after death: Your DEAD, Nothing!


Active Member
First Name: Rob

Country: USA

Pets: ....fish

Fav Colour: Blue

Music Genre: most anything but I'm a big metalhead

Movie Genre: Horror or action

Fav Book: Broken Summers by Henry Rollins (very interesting tour diary)

Fav TV Show: Sons of Anarchy and South Park

Fav Movie: Almost Famous

Fav Song: Blue Oyster Cult - Godzilla (go go Robzilla!)

Fav Computer Game: Reef Sanctuary

Fav Joke: Jersey Shore

Worst Nightmare: Jersey Shore

Best Dream: The end of Jersey Shore

Fav Food: The tears of the producers of Jersey Shore when their show has been cancelled.

Habbits: Staring at my tank!

Allergies: Jersey Shore

Petty Hates: Jersey Shore

Your Perfect Partner: My better half :)

Hobbies: My tank!

How would you like to Die: Trying to snorkel in my 55gallon tank

What do you think happens after death: My ashes are spread at sea....except I'm in OH so I will settle for my tank.


Google Warrior
Rob, I take it you don't care much for Jersey Shore :D I have never seen an eposod so I can't relate but after that I think I'll pass on it :D


Well-Known Member
Staff member

First Name:Travis


Pets: Red, a miniature Schnauzer and Bailey, one of them designer dogs (Cavachon)

Fav Colour:#FF6600

Music Genre: Classic Rock, metal, classical... everything buy country.

Movie Genre: Comedy, Action

Fav Book: "On the Damned Human Race" by Mark Twain

Fav TV Show: Deadliest Catch

Fav Movie: Pulp Fiction

Fav Song: Too many

Fav Computer Game: Currently "Fallout: New Vegas"

Fav Joke: Sorry, it's a family forum

Worst Nightmare: Being on "The View"

Best Dream: Blowing up "The View"

Fav Food: Meat and potatoes

Habbits: Correcting people's spelling. And it's "HABITS" :)

Allergies: Cats

Petty Hates: Cats

Your Perfect Partner: Her name's Amanda

Hobbies: Running a forum

How would you like to Die: Painlessly

What do you think happens after death: People Cry


Google Warrior
+1 on the cats I hate them!!! I had to tare down my daughters sand box cause there are so many strays that used it for a little box, course the people feed them so they staick around.


Yeah Eric, you got me with the title...

First Name: Quentin(duh.)

Country: USA

Pets: Only our fish, Shell has a cat named Neptune back home with her parents.

Fav Color: Blue. More blue/green, I guess.

Music Genre: Classic rock? I'm pretty well open to anything, music isn't such a big deal to me.

Movie Genre: Action/adventure for the most part. Comedy as well.

Fav Book: Oh boy... I like the Catcher in the Rye, but I also like anything by Hemmingway. I used to read a lot.

Fav TV Show: Well, I'm pretty well limited to what's on Netflix, but House is right up there. Watching a lot of Dr. Who lately. Scrubs probably takes the cake though.

Fav Movie: Looking at my selection, I'd have to say Gran Torino.

Fav Song: Bad Touch by the Bloodhound Gang. My brother dumped it on my computer last week and I can't stop listening to it.

Fav Computer Game: Solitaire. Always.

Fav Joke: yeah, not here. wouldn't want you guys thinking ad of me anyway :D

Worst Nightmare: Student loans :D

Best Dream: Ha, not with the chance of Shell making her way over here...

Fav Food: Anything Mexican

Habbits: I used to pop my knuckles constantly. All three joints of each finger(2 per thumb), probably 10 times a day, for a number of years running. Just stopped not long ago, as my hands have started getting achy.

Allergies: Possibly ragweed? Some kinda plant, for sure.

Petty Hates: Stupid people.

Your Perfect Partner: My wife, of course(cue brownie points...)

Hobbies: Who needs hobbies when you fly planes?

How would you like to Die: I'm invincible until proven otherwise. That said, I hope it's sudden, not a drawn out ordeal.

What do you think happens after death: Heaven.


Yep the title did it for me too . . . :LOL:

First Name: Allen or Mr. :)

Country: US of A

Pets: Fish, Coral and some smelly other sea creatures

Fav Colour:
hmmm BLUE

Music Genre: Pretty much ALL!

Movie Genre: Action Adventure and COMEDY!

Fav Book: "Comfort Food" by Kitty Thomas

Fav TV Show:
the Big Bang Theory

Fav Movie:
The HangOver

Fav Song: Rocky Top (Go UT Vols)

Fav Computer Game: Game? Huh?

Fav Joke: Pull my finger . . .

Worst Nightmare: **Can't mention political topics here**

Best Dream: Back in band camp . . .

Fav Food: Steak... Medium Rare (Rare if they'll cook it like that.. I like it to where a good Vet MIGHT be able to get it back on it's feet . . .)

Habbits: Moi?

Allergies: Where do I start . . . Penicillin, Bees

Petty Hates: Moi?

Your Perfect Partner: Blow-up Barbie :lol:

Hobbies: Aviation, R/C planes, R/c Helis, Firearms, Computer Repair, REEFING, Home Construction, (I'll add more later . . .)

How would you like to Die: Suddenly in my sleep . . .

What do you think happens after death: Think? I can tell you this.. it just gets Better and BETTER for the lucky ones :)


Active Member
Nice title, thought it was something bad.LOL.
First Name: Shaun


Pets: Dog, Fish (does the wife count here?)

Fav Colour: Green

Music Genre: All

Movie Genre: Most

Fav Book: To many to list

Fav TV Show: Star Trek, Science shows

Fav Movie: To Many

Fav Song: Good Question

Fav Computer Game: Diablo

Fav Joke: Sorry not on a family web page

Worst Nightmare: You do not want to know

Best Dream: Trip to California

Fav Food: BBQ

Habbits: Cant sit still, Smoking

Allergies: Unknown

Petty Hates: Cant sit with my back to people

Your Perfect Partner: My Wife

Hobbies: Reefing, Motorcycling, RC Planes, Fishing, camping and Wilderness Survival

How would you like to Die: When asleep

What do you think happens after death: The next great adventure of course. At least that is what Professor Dumbledore said.


Well-Known Member
First Name:Kevin


Pets:Fish,Coral, Wish i had a dog

Fav Color: Green

Music Genre:Most

Movie Genre:Anything but really sappy

Fav Book:Idk

Fav TV Show: Tudors, Sopranos, Breaking bad!

Fav Movie:Hangover, Due date

Fav Song: Daggumit-Haystack

Fav Computer Game: Diablo 3 i hope

Fav Joke:

Worst Nightmare: Eaten alive by spiders (eww)

Best Dream:Lots of em

Fav Food: HAHAH I love all food!



Petty Hates: Other peoples dogs pooping in my yard and on my freaking front porch!!!!!!!
Mostly because I'm not allowed to have a dog.

Your Perfect Partner: Lindsay :)

Hobbies: Reefing of course. Golf, picking on Lindsay

How would you like to Die:probably in my sleep

What do you think happens after death: Hopefully not what south park thinks.


Active Member
I'm in! Tracy will need to answer her own!

First Name: Dave

Country: Canada

Pets: Chocolate Lab, German Shepherd, fish, coral and of course my wife; Tracy!

Fav Colour: Green

Music Genre: Western

Movie Genre: Western

Fav Book: The Bible

Fav TV Show: none

Fav Movie: Any one of the Star Trek flics!!

Fav Song: Good Morning Beautiful (if I could carry a tune I would sing this to Tracy every morning!!)

Fav Computer Game: Solitaire

Fav Joke: unknown

Worst Nightmare: Not being able to help my family.

Best Dream: Being with my family.

Fav Food: Mighty Taco

Habbits: Biting my fingernails

Allergies: None

Petty Hates: Other drivers on the road (wish they were in the ditch!!)

Your Perfect Partner: :heart: Tracy!! :heart:

Hobbies: Reefing (or at least trying too!!)

How would you like to Die: In service

What do you think happens after death: I go to meet God!


Well-Known Member
First Name: Juan

Country: Guatemala, Central America

Pets: Little Bolognese dog

Fav Colour: Don't have one

Music Genre: Mostly all

Movie Genre: Comedy

Fav Book: What is this thing called... book? :ponder2:

Fav TV Show: was Two and a Half man. (Damn you Charlie Sheen) LOL

Fav Movie: Finding Nemo (Not kidding :))

Fav Song: Don't have one

Fav Computer Game: Sierra Adventure games

Fav Joke: This is a family forum...

Worst Nightmare: Rambo

Best Dream: Going to heaven

Fav Food: Fried Chicken

Habbits: none

Allergies: none

Petty Hates: none

Your Perfect Partner: My Wife

Hobbies: Aquariums, R/C Helis

How would you like to Die:

What do you think happens after death: Going to heaven.


Active Member
Dave: You and your Mighty Taco!!!

Juan: Is it true that they cannot see color in Guatamala? If so, I will take all the colorful fish and corals you plan on getting for your ginormous tank :)