Opinions on Mag-Drive pumps


Active Member
So I'm still in the process of planning my new 150. Since everything has to fit in the stand, I was looking at submersible pumps to save space. I came across the Mag-Drives, and wanted to know people's opinions.

I was looking at the 24 or 36 in particular. I wanted a ton of flow. However, I did read DGSMD's review here, and he didn't seem to thrilled. I'm using a 9 in my current tank and have no problems, but I'm wondering if people have experiences with the bigger models.



Wannabe Guru
Link isn't working Tarasco.
I don't have the bigger model it's only a Mag 12 but it's been working great no complaints at all.


Active Member
Yeah, I got rid of it. I'll try again. Actually, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. If you go to www.marinedepot.com, look for the Supreme Mag-Drive page, there's a bunch of info. That's what I was trying to link.

Anyways, opinions? How loud would the big ones be?


Wannabe Guru
I just read the review and although i'll agree with his opinion on the vibration problem thus the reason the new ones come with a pad that sticks to the bottom of the pump, but I have never had a problem with it restarting and as far as the heat issue I haven't noticed and it's cool to the touch.


Well-Known Member
Well, IMO, I give a big thumbs down to the mag pumps in that range. If you are looking for flow, I highly suggest looking into an external pump.
The reasons being, a mag that size will add considerable heat to your water, they are highly inefficient (use lots of power, and can't handle head pressure very well), and the noise factor. Even with the pad, these guys can put out a good deal of noise.
Sometimes you are stuck in a situation in which submersible is the only way to do it, but considering a big mag like that will cost not much less, sometimes even more than an external pump that puts out more efficient flow, I would go with the external if at all possible.
FWIW, we measured the flow rate of my buddies mag 36. It had to go up 8 feet, plus about five or so 90 degree bends, through 1.5 inch plumbing, and returned a measily 600 gph. It was pretty much just a water heater for him...


Active Member
Originally posted by mps9506
The reasons being, a mag that size will add considerable heat to your water, they are highly inefficient (use lots of power, and can't handle head pressure very well), and the noise factor. Even with the pad, these guys can put out a good deal of noise.
This is definitely a concern. However, I'm not sure how my space issues are going to work out. I figure that I'll try a submersible, and after I get all the equipment I want, see if there is room for an external pump.

BTW, the pump would be pushing water up about 5 feet (36 inch tall stand, 24 inch tall tank) with probably four 90 degree turns, plus the split, so I expect to lose some flow. This is part of the reason why I'm looking at the larger sizes.