one stop at LFS now look what happend


So the wife and I wanted to get the granddaughter a fish tank. Now We have a new hobby/lifestyle and a coralife biocube29
This is day 5 I believe with moon lights on. We started this tank on 21Jan2014 with 21lbs cured live rock,20 lbs of carib sea agri sand black, and Nutrisea sea water which I am happy we payed the extra money for. On 26Jan we added CUC that is this pic


Thank you Bear we were actually going for something different but they had this on sale it was a trade in tank previous owner upgraded to a
90 gallon so we are now the proud owners of this tank


we have been doing water tests and everything was going quite well until this evening one of the clowns we put in on Fri decided it wants to swim on its side and sporatticaly at that it was eating fine yesterday and looked good last night and this not so good


water test has been ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 0 salinity 1.025 PH 8.1 added cuc 4 bumblebees 4 turbined snails 7 hermit crabs
all six times we checked in last two weeks so we added 2 clowns 1 feather duster 1 coco worm
and a xenia on 31jan tested water again today and again we had
0 ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate ph 8.1 and salinity 1.025 this test was done at LFS all six times Being new to SW I
have been watching them perform test and when they test other peoples they are having different readings than ours so they are not just tossing numbers out there colors dont lieplus they have been in business for over
twenty years and have a excellent reputation in the area for being the best
around from many people I know and have talked with.


I think we have two things going for us 1 we live 3 miles from LFS and we have very good setup we do not have test kit yet because lfs is so close and they do free water tests so between the owner and our set up 29gal biocube
with uv light also refugium light on timer for 16hrs with chaeto , moon lights on timer 1 hr before reg white lights come on. then they run together for 8hrs then white go off and moon or blue stay on 1 additional hr we have at least 2.5 inches of Caribsea Livesand and 21 lbs live cured rock, protein skimmer in 1st chamber with heater second chamber chaeto and refugium lights 3rd chamber return pump and uv light. Also 500gph auxillary pump


Lfs seems to think main reason cycled so quick was all those factors. And I tend to agree cause we did have new algae growth with in 2 days


Active Member
if ammonia and nitrites never went > 0, AND nitrates never went> 0, I'm not so sure.

I would remove the chaeto and see if nitrates starts to go up. Obviously if your fish is sideways, something is going on.

Are you using any chemical filtering?


nothing other than charcoal cartridge above the chaeto also this am the clown fish having issues is upright swimming fine and his mouth isn't going 1000 miles an hr. so not real sure what his/her problem was the black clown is fine all crabs and snails are moving around and the cocoworm and feather duster are out til they go back in but come right back out within a few mins. Xenia was opening and closing same as it did in LFS and yellowtip anemone is happy he moved from top of rock to the side and ate yesterday


went to LFS after work had water test again everything well clown fish in same spot as last nite but doing better everything else is good
they said to wait another week before worrying about WC and to give that clown fish a week or to adjust to his new home, if still acting funny they would replace no problem


This is a much better pic of our new hobby / lifestyle not even at it for a month and wifey wants a seahorse tank "for the Grand daughter"....


note the clown fish takin a break in the lower left corner look close she is on her side about a 45 degree angle
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Thanks !!!! its been a lot of fun and interesting getting everything hooked up and running ie heater lights timers what lights when and how long also the knowledge that people have on this forum and are so willing to help everyone and anyone it has been a huge help especially when the wife wants to know why we cannot or can do certain things or keep certain things together. Of course now she wants a seahorse tank next.


anyways update on our dingy clown fish today we get home and she is all over the tank top bottom middle front back sides:swmfish: just having a blast
for her self so must've just needed a day or three to adjust