Need help moving derasa


Active Member
I have a derasa that attached to a rock than needs to be moved. My BTA is brushing against it, causing him to close up. What is the best way to remove him w/o doing too much damage?


Well-Known Member
That's a tough one.
Can you persuade the BTA to move instead or place a barrier of some kind between them. If you are going to detach the clam, I believe the best way is with a quick clean cut with a sharp razor blade. Hopefully you will get enough of the foot for it to re-grow and attach again.


you don't want to cut the foot just the bysisl strains they look like grizz in a steak, long strings just cut those. Is your dersa small? Usually they like to be on a sandy bottom. hope this helps


Active Member
I'd like the nem to stay where he is, so moving the clam is the best answer. However, I chickened out. The sucker is really attached. Instead I wound up twisting him 90 degrees, which will work for now.