My sad weekend


So this weekend started off rough. Among the loss of sleep I have been having lately(not sure why) I found that my royal gramma came down with ich. So I began setting up a QT only to wonder if he was too far gone. I began treating him with copper and did water changes every morning. Well after attending my fiance's family reunion I came home to only find him dead:angel3: . So after all he was just too ate up with the parasite. :waa:


There were two clowns and a flame hawkfish who appear to have made it out unscathed. However, I plan on leaving them out for 6 wks and run a UV sterilizer to fry the little parasites to a crisp.


So after 2 wks of a fallow tank and UV sterilizer, the DT is getting along fine and the water clarity is amazing thanks to the sterilizer. The fish in the QT are looking fine and healthy, just probably not as happy if they would be in the DT.


Woo hoo the 6 weeks is up and the only guy I lost was the flame hawkfish. That was not due to ich, but rather his desire to sky dive followed by a short carpet surfing career. So I will put them in normal SW and see how they do for atleast 2 weeks.


Yup has been really frustrating, but now that I know about the QT process maybe I wont have the issue again. Thanks for your sentiments.


Yeah I am glad about getting them into my DT. Bought a Coral Beauty Angel and put it in a separate QT so that I will have something besides just my clowns going in. Sorry to hear about your loss as well, just cant understand what they think is better on the carpet...