My Bad Impulse Buy, I Think?


Hi All,
Well, I went to my LFS the other day and saw a Feather Starfish. It is the coolest looking thing. Anyway, I bought it without doing any research before hand. Sure enough I get home and started reading up on it and everything I read stated that they are nearly impossible to keep, and that they are basically starving to death. I was just wondering if anyone has any experience on taking care of them or if it is a lost cause. Any input would be appreciated as I now feel guilty.
Nicole :confused:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, crinoids are nearly impossible to keep for any length of time. Definitely in the category of "Best left in the ocean"...


I figured someone would say that. In the meantime is there anything I can do? I have been dosing with phyto.


Well-Known Member
Not sure who the coward was who left me unsigned negative karma for my post in this thread, but,
"Best left in the Ocean" doesn't lead to learning how to keep a species."
is a pretty silly thing to say. There are MANY species in the ocean whose environment we can't duplicate with any success in our tanks, and killing them is a poor way to find out what works and what doesn't. There are good reasons why many species are NOT recommended for our tanks, and in the opinion of MOST of the "experts" it's better to let them live in the ocean, than die in our tanks...