Montipora Help


A buddy of mine stopped by a home that has all his frags listed on craigslist and he brought back 3 frags of monti for me.

Its great and I am psyched that he did it, but i do not know how to grow them or where to put them.

2 were on frag disks so I stuck them in the sand and the other was a real thin brittle one that broke while I was gluing it onto one of my rocks.

Can someone please fill me in on how to take care of them?

There prob one of the easiest to take care of, they adapt well to most lighting and medium to high flow. The one you broke is fine, congratulations you just Fraged you Frag. This is how most monties are fraged by just breaking a piece off.


Its been in the tank less than 1 day and the outer fringe of the orange piece is white and frizzy. The other two seem fine.


Well-Known Member
Outer rim may have gotten agitated in transport of from handling. As stated, you have a frag now. Simply glue that on the same rock or another. It should grow for you.