Lost Again !!!!!!!!!!!


Well I finally got my new ASM G4 PLUS skimmer and PAN WORLD 200 pump install and functional tonight on my perfecto 180rr , im very excited. The bad news is that the pump almost drains the modified sump / refugium its a proclear 4 that I have, and the flow creates alot of micro bubbles unless I close the ball valve quite a bit. and the amount of noise comming from the tank discharge is almost amazing. I previously had a mag 12 and current skimmer on the system,with alot less flow but no problems.The reason for the upgrade is that I want to start of with some basic corals but new I needed more flow. One of my many questions is, is there anything that I can do so I can run the system all out and keep enough water for the pump to run and not have a ton of bubbles ? Or do I need a new sump / refugium ? ANY HELP OR SUGGESTIONS IS APPRECIATED . :cursin: :cursin: :cursin:


Well-Known Member
you need a new sump/refugium or a smaller pump. FYI; you dont need all or most of your flow going through the sump.


I agree with prow. also you may need to evaluate your "Bubble Trap" designs.

You're not trying to push the whole tank's volume through the skimmer are you?


Ok thanks ... any suggestions for a sump with refugium for a 180rr ??? I increased the flow for the recommended turnover to keep corals. I also have additional flow from koralias in the tank. I was informed the previous flow was not enough to keep corals happy.


You guys are right there are very few traps for bubbles. looks like its time for a new sump/ fuge any good DIY plans you would suggest ??


Active Member
There is a thread in the DIY section for building a sump/refugium that I used to great avail. I am using an old 55 gallon tank for my sump refugium. Good luck and keep us posted, Shaun


Well-Known Member
i have three different DIY sumps/refugiums i built in my chronicle and clamicle you can look at.