Long hair alage


New Member
Ok since im new here i figure i would see what you guys have to say. Now that I have calmed down after my first fragging experience......lol let me ask... what is the best way to get long hair alage under control? I have cleaner shrimp, hermit crabs, snails, a sally light foot, and a lawn mower blenny. Your basic clean up crew. however the alage still wins. Now what?

new reefer 03

Active Member
now its time for some manual labor :) just pull it out weekly, also try to eliminate the source of phosphates. ripping it out, or consuming it is only treating the symptoms, you need to find the source and eliminate it.


Well let's get to the BASICS! HA feeds & grows from Excess nutrients in your system.

A) feeding too much
B) Feeding product with "Preservatives" (= Rocket fuel for algae)

It's a multi-level approach

1) Change cut-back on feedings
2) Rinse all food with Ro/DI water to remove preservatives
3) Manually remove as much as possible with each water change
4) Increase water changes

Be patient. It didn't come over night and it will take longer to get rid of.

good luck and Happy Reefing :)

WHAT did you frag?


Smile Maker
1.Control phosphate:
a. Highly filtered source water
b. Rinse food before releasing into tank
c. Use phosphate removal media

2.Control nitrate:
a. Weekly water changes
b. Do not over feed
c. Mature system with denitrification ability
d. Do not over stock with fish

3. Cut down on photoperiod.


New Member
Lmao! youre right about the basics however it has been an on going problem.
I just fragged my finger leather coral.....doesnt seem to be doing so well right now. I have done alot of research and reading on fragging so, I thought I was ready. Everyone says it will be ok and, I hope so. It was a very beautiful coral.


New Member
Holly S***!!!! after reading and some postings I found the answer to the alage problem! I never knew phytoplankton would be rocket fuel for long hair! thats my problem! Ive been useing phyto to feed my clams and some of my other tank mates! Ok so now I know the cause..... how do I feed my clam?


Well-Known Member
lets back up a little... adding a bunch of new inhabitants is not the right answer.

you must control the water peramters... if you have algae and its outta control... more likely your outta control as well...

RODI water changes. and controlled feeding habits are a start.