
Well-Known Member
Hey RS. Ok i have had this lobster since i first started my reef tank. I bought him from a local fish store cause he was really cool looking.... this was before i learned that you need to research and find everything you can aobut something. Not just buy what looks cool.

neway i only see him at night and thats if i really look for him. That was fine for a while but now it seems many months later that he has not only killed all but one of the fish i put in there, but that he has eaten everything that is not coral. Snails, hermits, shrimp etc. Besides tearing my whole tank apart :( what the heck can i do to get him outta there? any ideas would be awsome cause i am real close to atom boming his ass and tearing the whole tank apart to do it but that is gunna be that last straw!! HELP!!!!


That's what lobsters do! They are mostly nocturnal so wait till it's late at night and really dark and you should spot him on the rocks doing some hunting. If he's still small you can try setting at trap with some food at the bottom of an empty bottle. If he's bigger you'll probably have to catch him by hand, but be careful, those pincers hurt!
I had to make a separate tank for my reef lobster. He leaves most of my corals alone (Except zoas, which make me mad), but ate almost all my fish, so I had to move him. I have him trained to feed off a stick. Not sure how big your tank is, but they are easily lured out, especially at night... Even putting a smaller soda bottle with some krill or silverside in it, he's as sure as captured...My two cents..Good luck!


Re: Purple and orange lobster help!!!!!!!!!!1

Hummm a mantis...did you try with a bottle with food in it? you can cut the neck so that the shrimp fits...


Re: Purple and orange lobster help!!!!!!!!!!1

I don't know that it's your Reef Lobster. I've had one 3 1/2 years and it's in my 90g REEF tank and doesn't bother anything in there.

Like Blurp suggests I think you have something else happening in there.
My purple reef lobster ate slow moving fish (firefish) and sleeping fish (wrasse). Ive seen it hunt fish and attack them. They can be a menace, in smaller tanks. I moved him into a 10 gallon coral tank, and I have a brightly colored damsel, and he tries his best to catch him. Quite fun to watch


I guess it's like anything else. They all have their own personality so some will and some wont. Mine was in a 10g for 2 years but is now in the 90g because I took the 10g down a few months back.


Well-Known Member
well sad to say that hes gone now.... but not the way i wanted him to go....... the power went out for a couple of days bc of a tornado and well..... he didnt make it thru :( so i gues wee will now see if it was him or something else going on. Thanks for all your suggestions and input tho!!