Livestock "topoff"

Hello everyone. As some know, I have a 29 Gallon BC. Currently for livestock, I have a Diamond Goby, Yellow Clown Goby, Green Clown Goby, and 2 shrimp (skunk cleaner and fire) So with the exception of the Diamond Goby, which I understand can gain a little "girth" so to speak, does everyone think it would be OK to add a pair of Ocellaris Clowns?

I have upgraded the flow of the tank from the standard 236 gph flow to a pump that pushes 350 gph and have another small powerhead pushing 66 ghp, also have the protein skimmer and have been using filter floss and seagel in chamber 1 and purigen in chamber 3.

The reason I state the above is due to some that may say I might be overstocking a bit, which I'm fine with as well, if I can't add anything else. I'm basically looking for something that will stay reasonably small, but be quite active in the tank ... hence thinking the pair of Ocellaris, but am willing to take suggestions as well, IF I can put anything else in the tank.

Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
I don't thiink I would add a pair, That just seems like a lot on your bio-load. How about one?


Clowns love company and are much happier in pairs. If you think your skimmer can handle it go for two.

They do seem to be happier as a "couple" but on the flip side if your tank is overloaded NONE of your fish will be happy and neither would you. It's a LOT of work to fight a "Heavy" bio-load and it leaves little to no room for error. If you want a pair of clowns I would suggest re-evaluating your current stock and remove something else in order to NOT over load your tank. Trust me when I say if you over load it you'll be sad, miserable, frustrated and down right MAD at your tank everyday. When it gets out of hand it's a LOT of work and not any fun at all not to mention you stand a GOOD chance of having a very mean outbreak of algae or causing harm/death to your finned critters. It's not only a good idea to NOT over load your tank it's your responsibility to provide the best possible living conditions for them. Their existence and well being is entirely up to you. That's a VERY large responsibility. Don't over stock! It looks great for a few days maybe even a week. But the end result will NOT be worth it. Mister Experience here!
