Lighting suggestions for my 20 gallon hex


Hey guys I was wondering if everyone could help me out with my selection for a light for my Seaclear 20 gallon acrylic hex tank
(SeaClear Deluxe Hexagon 20 Gallon Aquarium Combos at PETCO). It finished cycling about 2 weeks ago and I will be keeping a mantis shrimp in it, I want to keep some shrooms, gsp, and xenia in it and I do not like the flimsy plastic light fixture it came with. The opening in the cover is 15x5. Any suggestions?

I was looking at the Coralife Aqualight 12" (Coralife Aqualight-Double Linear Strip Power Compact-12" at Big Al's Online) which is 12" by 7", anyone have experience with this light? And also, is there a way to mod a light fixture that doesnt fit the hole perfectly (perhaps with pegs) so it wont fall into the water? thanks!


That light should suffice for softies and such.

Keep in mind that all 3 corals you mention tend to be "Weed-like" in some tanks and some people regret wanting them. As for me I have them in most of my tanks and like them all :)