Let's watch my new tank grow

So first things first.

1.) Assemble the outer walls and bottom. So this step doesn't sound to hard right.... WRONG!!! Let's see you try to hold five pieces of acrylic with two hands. Ok so most of you have probably gone through some thing like this before, so you know what I am going through. After an hour and a head ache later:stars: I decide to think outside the box. How can I hold this thing together in order to glue it. LIGHT BULB (someone should upload a flashing light bulb smiley) Rubber bands and scotch tape.

2.) So now that I have outsmarted the average sump everything goes pretty smoothly. I finish gluing the shell of the sump in about 30 min. No pic of this process, sorry. 8 hours later the glue is cured and my house smells like a nail salon and I have another head ache I start assembling the compartments of the sump. I have approx. 30 inches to work with I need an inflow, an outflow, a refuge, a bubble trap and some where to store extra filter media. The measurements of the sump are 30"L 14"H 12"D. I decide to use 12" for the refuge compartment, 7" for both the inflow and return compartments, and 3" for the bubble trap.

3.)I used a mag drive 750 for my return pump and 3/4" vinyl tube for my overflow and return pluming giving me around 550 gph flow rate from my return along with a koralia 3 gives me great flow and currents in my DT Since my tank was not reef ready I had to get an overflow box I found one for 40 bucks at drsfostersmith


I now had to figure out how to make sure that all the water that is returned is filtered I built this "divider". It is completely removable so when I need to clean the pump filter or maintain the pump the way it's designed it collects the water running from the refuge and forces it to flow through reef rubble and other media. I also added some miracle mud and a few handfuls of cheato


So there you have the rebirth of my tank. Let me know what you guys think about all the improvements.
I have a new RO/DI filter that I need to install. So I will be making my own saltwater. What do you all think is the best salt mix to use?? and How should I go about mixing it? I need suggestions here people.
So I am really STOKED!!!! My tomato clowns Dolce and Gabbana are starting to pair up. When I first acclimated them the smaller of the two (Dolce) took over the anemone for the first week, then all of a sudden I saw the larger one (Gabbana) was in the nem and wouldn't let Dolce near it. Well last night I was taking random pictures at night to see what I could get and I saw both of them together happy as a clam (never mind the pun). Here are some pics...



And here is a random pic of one of my emerald crabs. What is this crazy dance he is doing? Is this some sort of mating stance? or is it defensive?
Why do I feel I am talking to myself I know I am not the most active member on here but come guys I need your support and feed back and let me know how I am doing.

Now that I have that off my chest onto business.

After adding my sump and letting it get broken in I added some aquacultured lava rock it was very inexpensive around 1.00$ per lb. I ordered about 12 lbs of it and so far all my levels have stayed optimal. pH 8.2, ammonia, trites, and trates are all 0.0 ppm,
phosphates are 0 ppm, dkh 9, calcium 360, S.G. 1.024

So in order to celebrate my victory over high nitrates and phosphates, not to mention the cursed demon a.k.a. cyanobacteria. I bought a few zoanthid frags from Mr Coral

I got about 8 polyps of radioactive green zoa's, 7 polyps of eagle eye zoa's, and 9 polyps of rare drops of teal zoa's. I will post some pictures when they open up all the way.

So RS let me know what you all think about my updates and upgrades,


Well-Known Member
Your not talking to your self, we're listening... great picts, Congrats on the pairing, if they breed will you try to raise the fry?
As I promised here are a few pics of my new corals I can't wait until they start to grow and colonize the tank I am already researching new corals I think some softies are in order anyone have any ideas for some hardy beautiful softies for my tank I'm all ears

These are my eagle eye zoa's




These are radioactive green zoa's




My drops of teal aren't opening yet but I am pretty sure they will be ok. I am so excited this is fun when people come over and see the tank and they are awestruck, It makes it all worthwhile Its that little bit of self satisfaction.


Looking very good. Stay with it, Its very rewarding to have people come over and just go :woohoo: over your hard work isnt it. :bouncer: