labouti wrasse


Well-Known Member
Im sure some of my friends out here can help me..

ok so im ready for another fish..i went to a new local fish store (new to me i should say) and put a labouti wrasse on hold...the guy said he just got the shipment and said the fish will be ready on monday.

does anyone have any imput on this fish? experience with one? any info is appreciated for this is the first time im gonna spend a good penny on a fish im kinda nervous

if i ask him to old the fish for a couple of days to make sure he survives... is that ok? ..will he be offended? i would pay for it first of course.
another thing he is selling it for like 1/3 the price i see it going for on every web site ...altough other fish that are normally cheaper were going for twice so i dont get it should i be weary?...thanks


Wannabe Guru
A labouti wrasse is a gorgeous and active fish I would definitely recommend you get him. It's not unreasonable to ask that they hold it for ya for a couple of days but you'd need to put a deposit down. How was the fish, was he active or always hiding ? Was he eating at the store ? Was there any damaged fins or spots on him ? Was he holding his own against the other fish in the tank ?


Well-Known Member
there were three in the tank two looked to be swimming around~ one didnt look so good.. i didnt notice any fin damage..he said he feed them with mysis soaked in...hmm somthinng he said i forget.....

there was copper in the water that they were in to kill any parasites so he informed me to be sure not to put the water in my tank basically hes gonna qt them tll monday thanks robert


Wannabe Guru
iluvzigz said:
there were three in the tank two looked to be swimming around~ one didnt look so good..

Wow 3 of them that's cool, these fish aren't very common and are usually expensive. These guys are poor shippers and take time to recover if you have a sump/refugium type setup or an established QT I would urge you to place him there and make sure he's eating well and active before adding him to the display. What is your current fish list ?

BTW what are they asking for them if you don't mind me asking ?


Well-Known Member
i have a cinn clown ,barred dartfish or goby (some call it ), banded/dragon goby, manderin dragonet, pj cardinal thats all 55gallon tank im not big on fish like to keep the bioload down...

no i dont mind at all he is only asking 50 dollars! i know very cheap there was 4 but i guess someone picked it up already the cheapest ive foun for that fish was 120 dollars i hope he does well..ive talked to some locals and they said they've bought fish from there before and havent had a prob..he guarantees(sp?) him for a day..hey most places around here dont give you any guarantee at all


Wannabe Guru
Wow $50 bucks is a steal ! You don't have any real aggressive fish except for the clown and the Labouti when healthy can hold his own... I would jump on this very fortunate situation:)


Well-Known Member
billyr98 said:
Wow $50 ... Get all three or at least two, the sick one can stay!
LOL! i wish i had the extra $$$ but one will have to do for now the colors actually look better than the ones i saw online i hope this guy works out ...cross your fingers thanks robert and billy:thumbup: :thumbup:


Well-Known Member
well all i can say for now is that it def. had those same marking as the ones ive seen online..and there was a member of the local reef club who showed up and after meeting him today belive me knows his stuff he said it was one aswell so monday i will take some good pics when i get him home im gonna drip acclimate him for like an hour or maybe two i dont want to lose this one.


Well-Known Member
well the guy sold the fish from underneath me..i was the only one to have a name up ..but when i came back to claim my fish, on the day he told me to mind you,... he tells me oh the fish didnt make it...

oh then what is that beautiful thing free swimming in your back tank..

oh that...thats someone elses...

what? this is my first purchase/experience at your store and your gonna push me aside for what, so one of your buddys can have sorry but that was pretty crappy thing to do.that was such a cool fish then he sold it to someone else.... damn!
how would you have handled that situation!!!??????????


Well-Known Member
just stay away from the LFS for now... hold a grudge... then maybe go back and shop there like a month or two from now...

stuff happens... unless you paid money for it upfront, then i would be very upset..