Just a small question.


Active Member
If I were to get a small porcupine puffer for my tank would he be ok with the tankmates I have now? I remember someone saying that one type of puffer will not pick at the fins but the other type will, don't remember. Anyone know of some really personal puffers? I was readin up on an article at wetwebmedia.com and after reading that article about how the porcupine puffer will spray water at you and recongize who you are and stuff really interested me. Well anyways I was just given thinking about them. I have this sump/fuge that I spent a lot for a shark and now the shark is gone. How many more fish do you think I could add to my tank?


New Member
depends on the type and size of the fish. I would focus on an aggressive tank and get some triggers, lions, sharks etc.


we also have a small porc. puffer in a 95 g tank. In there theres a large sailfin tang a large clown trigger a large banana wrasse two med. sized groupers and a panda puffer and they all get along fine so triggers groupers puffers, anything like that should get along fine.


Splendid said:
we also have a small porc. puffer in a 95 g tank. In there theres a large sailfin tang a large clown trigger a large banana wrasse two med. sized groupers and a panda puffer

Holy overstocked tank, Batman! :bugout: